c# - 防止意外重新枚举 IEnumerable 的技术?

标签 c# enumerator



    protected override void Extract()
        var offerIds = CakeMarketingUtility.OfferIds(advertiserId);
        foreach (var offerId in offerIds)
            int rowCount;
            var clicks = RetryUtility.Retry(3, 10000, new[] { typeof(Exception) }, () =>
                return CakeMarketingUtility.EnumerateClicks(dateRange, advertiserId, offerId);
            foreach (var clickBatch in clicks.InBatches(1000))
                LogExtractedClicks(offerId, clickBatch);

                // SHOULD BE clickBatch, NOT clicks


注意,我不确定沿着这条思路走下去是否有意义 - 也许答案是“不要编写不正确的代码”,我愿意接受。


    public static IEnumerable<Click> EnumerateClicks(DateRange dateRange, int advertiserId, int offerId)
        // initialize to start at the first row
        int startAtRow = 1;

        // hard code an upper limit for the max number of rows to be returned in one call
        int rowLimitForOneCall = 5000;

        bool done = false;
        int total = 0;
        while (!done)
            Logger.Info("Extracted a total of {0} rows, checking for more, starting at row {1}..", total, startAtRow);

            // prepare the request
            var request = new ClicksRequest
                start_date = dateRange.FromDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"),
                end_date = dateRange.ToDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"),
                advertiser_id = advertiserId,
                offer_id = offerId,
                row_limit = rowLimitForOneCall,
                start_at_row = startAtRow

            // create the client, call the service and check the response
            var client = new ClicksClient();
            var response = client.Clicks(request);
            if (!response.Success)
                throw new Exception("ClicksClient failed");

            // update the running total
            total += response.RowCount;

            // return result
            foreach (var click in response.Clicks)
                yield return click;

            // update stopping condition for loop
            done = (response.RowCount < rowLimitForOneCall);

            // increment start row for next iteration
            startAtRow += rowLimitForOneCall;

        Logger.Info("Extracted a total of {0}, done.", total);



您可以创建一个 IEnumerable 包装器,以确保 GetEnumerator 仅被调用一次,但如果您实际上需要调用它两次怎么办?您真正想要的是捕获错误,而不是捕获多次枚举的可枚举值,而这不是您可以轻松放入软件解决方案中的东西。

问题可能在于 clickBatchclicks 具有相同的类型,因此编译器无法区分两者。

关于c# - 防止意外重新枚举 IEnumerable 的技术?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17707671/


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