c# - 在 Entity Framework 中跨多个表进行选择,从而产生通用的 IQueryable?

标签 c# linq entity-framework generics


这些规范是在我的 PriceSpecification 对象中指定的,它有一个可以为 null 的属性列表,可以按要求工作(各种枚举或 ID)。

我使用 Entity Framework,我的规范可以是来自三个不同表的属性。

我想使用 LINQ 创建一个临时对象,如代码所示。然后根据规范中指定的属性,我想找到正确的对象并使用工厂模式制作 C# 对象。


public List<Customer> GetCustomerBySpecification(CustomerSpecification specification)
        IQueryable<DbCustomers> dbCustomers = repository.DbCustomers;

        if (specification.Id > 0)
            dbCustomers = dbCustomers.Where(c => c.Id == specification.Id);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(specification.Email))
            dbCustomers = dbCustomers.Where(c => c.Email == specification.Email);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(specification.ResetPasswordKey))
            dbCustomers = dbCustomers.Where(c => c.ResetPasswordKey == specification.ResetPasswordKey);

        return customerFactory.Create(dbCustomers.OrderBy(c=>c.Id).Skip(specification.Skip).Take(specification.Take).ToList());

但是,现在我使用三个表。我试图制作您可以在下面看到的代码。问题是 where 语句给我错误:Cannot apply operator '==' to operands of ype 'int' and 'LetterColor', candidates are: [...]

从 test_obj.Where() 中,我只需要能够从连接在一起的三个表中获取 ID 属性。

 public Price GetPriceBySpecification(PriceSpecification specification)
            var test_obj = from d in repository.DbPricing
                join d1 in repository.DbOfficeProducts on d.OfficeProductId equals d1.Id
                join d2 in repository.DbOfficeProductDetails on d1.ProductDetailsId equals d2.Id
                select new
                    PricingId = d.Id,
                    LetterColor = d2.LetterColor,
                    LetterPaperWeight = d2.LetterPaperWeight

            if (specification.LetterColor.HasValue)
                test_obj = test_obj.Where(c => c.LetterColor == specification.LetterColor.Value);
            if (specification.LetterPaperWeight.HasValue)
                test_obj = test_obj.Where(c => c.LetterPaperWeight == specification.LetterPaperWeight.Value);

            // Convert found data into a C# object using a Factory class

            // Return awesome stuff

            throw new NotImplementedException();


如何修改我的 GetPriceBySpecification(PriceSpecification specification) 方法,以便我可以使用具有所有三个表的属性的 where 语句,然后获取 ID? :)



public class PriceSpecification:Specifications
        public LetterColor? LetterColor { get; set; }
        public LetterPaperWeight? LetterPaperWeight { get; set; }
        public LetterProcessing? LetterProcessing { get; set; }
        public LetterSize? LetterSize { get; set; }
        public LetterType? LetterType { get; set; }


public enum LetterColor


 public Price GetPriceBySpecification(PriceSpecification specification)
        var test_obj = from d in repository.DbPricing
            join d1 in repository.DbOfficeProducts on d.OfficeProductId equals d1.Id
            join d2 in repository.DbOfficeProductDetails on d1.ProductDetailsId equals d2.Id
            //select new <- anonymous object 
            select new Price
                PricingId = d.Id,
                LetterColor = d2.LetterColor,
                LetterPaperWeight = d2.LetterPaperWeight

        if (specification.LetterColor.HasValue)
            test_obj = test_obj.Where(c => c.LetterColor == specification.LetterColor.Value);
        if (specification.LetterPaperWeight.HasValue)
            test_obj = test_obj.Where(c => c.LetterPaperWeight == specification.LetterPaperWeight.Value);

        // Convert found data into a C# object using a Factory class

        // Return awesome stuff

        throw new NotImplementedException();

关于c# - 在 Entity Framework 中跨多个表进行选择,从而产生通用的 IQueryable?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21799455/


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