c# - 在进行单元测试时如何将多个依赖项对象传递给 Controller ​​构造函数?

标签 c# unit-testing dependency-injection moq

我有一个 Controller ,其中有多个依赖项。我为该 Controller 创建了一个参数构造函数,它获取主要依赖项之一(服务层)的对象。

 public class ProductController 

       private IProductService _productService ;
       public ProductController(IProductService productService)
           this._productService = productService;

但是在 Controller 中,有一些方法可以处理多个依赖项。

   Public ActionResult GetProductDetails()
        List<CategoryDto> catList = CategoryService.GetAllCategories()).ToList();

        ProductViewModel model = new ProductViewModel
           Categories = catList
       //other stuffs...


In the above method there is a different dependency CategoryService.And i want to ask to mock that dependency should i need to make different constructor or can i pass multiple dependency object to same constructor ?


只需将所有依赖项注入(inject)到您正在测试的类 (SUT) 中即可。您可以使用构造函数或属性注入(inject)。我会选择构造函数注入(inject):

 public class ProductController 
       private IProductService productService;
       private ICategoryService categoryService;

       public ProductController(IProductService productService, 
                                ICategoryService categoryService)
           this.productService = productService;
           this.categoryService = categoryService;

       public ActionResult GetProductDetails()
           var categories = categoryService.GetAllCategories().ToList();
           // ...

在测试中,您可以使用设置方法(NUnit 语法)创建模拟依赖项并将其传递给 SUT:

  private ProductController controller;
  private Mock<IProductService> productServiceMock;
  private Mock<ICategoryService> categoryServiceMock;

  public void Setup()
      productServiceMock = new Mock<IProductService>();
      categoryServiceMock = new Mock<ICategoryService>();
      controller = new ProductController(productServiceMock.Object,

然后,您可以在执行 SUT 之前在测试方法中安排任何此模拟对象:

  public void ShouldReturnProductDetails()
      List<CategoryDto> categories = // ...
      categoryServiceMock.Setup(cs => cs.GetAllCategories()).Returns(categories);

      var result = controller.GetProductDetails();
      // Assert

关于c# - 在进行单元测试时如何将多个依赖项对象传递给 Controller ​​构造函数?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22961910/


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