C# Windows 窗体 : Drop a picture into a WPF RichTextBox (in ElementHost)

标签 c# image richtextbox drag elementhost

我有一个 C# Windows 窗体项目,窗体上带有 WPF RichTextBox(在 ElementHost 中),并且想要将图片从资源管理器 (Windows 7 x64) 拖放到其中,但光标仅显示不允许的符号。这是我的代码:

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.AllowDrop = true;
        elementHost1.AllowDrop = true;

    public UserControl1()
        Background = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Transparent;
        this.AllowDrop = true;
        richTextBox1.AllowDrop = true;


    private void richTextBox1_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e)

    private void richTextBox1_DragLeave(object sender, DragEventArgs e)

    private void richTextBox1_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e)

    private void richTextBox1_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)

如果我使用 Windows 窗体 RichTextBox 是可行的,但我需要 WPF RichTextBox:

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        richTextBox1.AllowDrop = true;
        richTextBox1.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(richTextBox1_DragDrop);

    private void richTextBox1_DragDrop(object sender, EventArgs e)


您需要使用 PreviewDragEnterPreviewDragOverPreviewDrop 事件:

    public Window1()

        // mainRTB is the name of my RichTextBox.

        mainRTB.PreviewDragEnter += new DragEventHandler(mainRTB_PreviewDragEnter);

        mainRTB.PreviewDragOver += new DragEventHandler(mainRTB_PreviewDragEnter);

        mainRTB.PreviewDrop += new DragEventHandler(mainRTB_PreviewDrop);

        mainRTB.AllowDrop = true;

    static bool IsImageFile(string fileName)
        return true;  // REPLACE THIS STUB WITH A REAL METHOD.

    void mainRTB_PreviewDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
        if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop))
            // Note that you can have more than one file.
            string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop);
            if (files != null && files.Length > 0)
                // Filter out non-image files
                if (mainRTB.Document.PasteImageFiles(mainRTB.Selection, files.Where(IsImageFile)))
                    e.Handled = true;

    void mainRTB_PreviewDragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
        string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop);
        // Filter out non-image files
        if (files != null && files.Length > 0 && files.Where(IsImageFile).Any())
            // Consider using DragEventArgs.GetPosition() to reposition the caret.
            e.Handled = true;


    public static bool PasteImageFiles(this FlowDocument doc, TextRange selection, IEnumerable<string> files)
        // Assuming you have one file that you care about, pass it off to whatever
        // handling code you have defined.
        FlowDocument tempDoc = new FlowDocument();
        Paragraph par = new Paragraph();

        foreach (var file in files)
                BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri(file));
                Image image = new Image();
                image.Source = bitmap;
                image.Stretch = Stretch.None;

                InlineUIContainer container = new InlineUIContainer(image);
            catch (Exception)
                Debug.WriteLine("\"file\" was not an image");

        if (par.Inlines.Count < 1)
            return false;

            var imageRange = new TextRange(par.Inlines.FirstInline.ContentStart, par.Inlines.LastInline.ContentEnd);
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                string format = DataFormats.XamlPackage;

                imageRange.Save(ms, format, true);
                ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                selection.Load(ms, format);

                return true;
        catch (Exception)
            Debug.WriteLine("Not an image");
            return false;

顺便说一句,此方法避免使用剪贴板将图像粘贴到 RichTextBox 中 - 有时人们会看到这样做,但它并不理想。

您可能希望将图像拖放到当前放置位置,而不是粘贴当前选择。如果是这样,请从以下开始:Get the mouse position during drag and drop这是:How can I insert an image into a WPF RichTextBox at runtime in between text so the text floats around the image

关于C# Windows 窗体 : Drop a picture into a WPF RichTextBox (in ElementHost),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25963244/


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