c# - 任务异步困惑

标签 c# wcf asynchronous

我被要求将 WCF 服务调用从同步转换为异步,但该调用似乎仍在同步运行。我做错了什么?


public interface ICredentialReplication
    /// <summary>
    /// Updates the store database with credential data
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="credentials">the credential data to update</param>
    Task ReplicateDataAsync(CredentialDataList credentials);


/// <summary>
    /// Copy the credential data to the stores
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="credentials">The credential data to copy</param>
    public async Task ReplicateDataAsync(CredentialDataList credentials)
        var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => UpdateData(credentials));
        await task;  


 foreach (var store in storedic)
                // call the replication service for that store                    
                CredentialDataList credentialData = new CredentialDataList();
                List<CredentialData> credentialList = new List<CredentialData>();

                foreach (var payroll in store)
                    CredentialData cred = this.ExtractCredentialData(data, pinData, payroll);

                credentialData.CredentialList = credentialList.ToArray();
                credentialData.PermissionList = permDataList;
                credentialData.PermissionTypeList = permTypeDataList;   

                // then call the service



您似乎正在使用客户端 API 的同步版本,而不是异步版本:


而不是使用 async over sync anti-pattern ,我建议改用 API 的同步版本。

使用 WCF 来 generate a task based operation您可以等待:

Wcf settings

var replicatedData =  await _client.ReplicateDataAsync();

关于c# - 任务异步困惑,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28502190/


scala future 错误为 "Don' t 直接调用 `Awaitable` 方法,请使用 `Await` 对象。”

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