c# - 元组无法序列化,因为它没有无参数构造函数

标签 c# serialization xmlserializer

我正在尝试序列化下面提供的 QDatatables 类的实例,但出现错误:

System.Xml.dll 中发生“System.InvalidOperationException”类型的异常,但未在用户代码中进行处理 附加信息:存在反射(reflect)类型“System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1[DataRetrieval.Model.QDatatable]”的错误。

StackTrace:位于 System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.InitializeStructMembers(StructMapping 映射、StructModel 模型、 bool openModel、字符串 typeName、RecursionLimiter 限制器) 在System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.ImportStructLikeMapping(StructModel模型,字符串ns, bool openModel,XmlAttributes a,RecursionLimiter限制器) 在System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.ImportTypeMapping(TypeModel模型,String ns,ImportContext上下文,String dataType,XmlAttributes a, bool 重复, bool openModel,RecursionLimiter限制器)

InnerException:{"System.Tuple`2[System.String,System.String] 无法序列化,因为它没有无参数构造函数。"}



        public string serialize()
            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
            XmlSerializer s = new XmlSerializer(this.GetType());
            s.Serialize(sw, this);
            return sw.ToString();

QDatatables 类:

    public class QDatatables : BindableBase
        private ObservableCollection<QDatatable> _list;
        public ObservableCollection<QDatatable> List
            get { return _list ?? (_list=new ObservableCollection<QDatatable>()); }
            set { SetProperty(ref _list, value); }
            public string serialize()

            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
            XmlSerializer s = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ObservableCollection<QDatatable>));
            s.Serialize(sw, List);
            return sw.ToString();


    public class QDatatable : BindableBase
        private int _id;
        public int ID
            get { return _id; }
            set { SetProperty(ref _id, value); }
        private String _name;
        public String Name
            get { return _name; }
            set { SetProperty(ref _name, value); }
        private WhereParams _params;
        public WhereParams Params
            get { return _params; }
            set { SetProperty(ref _params, value); }

        private bool _isexpanded;
        public bool IsExpanded
            get { return _isexpanded; }
            set { SetProperty(ref _isexpanded, value); }

WhereParam 类:

    public class WhereParams : BindableBase
        private Dictionary<int, WhereParam> _dictionaryIdToWhereParam;

        private ObservableCollection<WhereParam> _list;
        public ObservableCollection<WhereParam> List
            get { return _list ?? (_list = new ObservableCollection<WhereParam>()); }
            set { SetProperty(ref _list, value); }
        public WhereParam GetById(int id)
            return List.First(w => w.ID == id);
        public string serialize()
            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
            XmlSerializer s = new XmlSerializer(this.GetType());
            s.Serialize(sw, this);
            return sw.ToString();

    public class WhereParam:BindableBase
        private int _id;
        public int ID
            get { return _id; }
            set { SetProperty(ref _id, value); }

        private string _name;
        public string Name
            get { return _name; }
            set { SetProperty(ref _name, value); }
        private ParamType _type;
        public ParamType Type
            get { return _type; }
            set { SetProperty(ref _type, value); }

ParamType 类:

    public class ParamType: BindableBase
        private int _typeID;
        public int TypeID
            get { return _typeID; }
            set { SetProperty(ref _typeID, value); }

        private ParamTypeEnum _typeName;
        public ParamTypeEnum TypeName
            get { return _typeName; }
            set { SetProperty(ref _typeName, value); }


   public class DateTimeType : ParamType

        private DateTime? _datefrom;
        public DateTime? Datefrom
            get { return _datefrom; }
            set { SetProperty(ref _datefrom, value); }

        private DateTime? _dateTo;
        public DateTime? DateTo
            get { return _dateTo; }
            set { 
                SetProperty(ref _dateTo, value); }

    public class StringType : ParamType

        private string _stringContent;
        public string StringContent
            get { return _stringContent; }
            set { 
                SetProperty(ref _stringContent, value); }

    public class IntType : ParamType

        private int _intContent;
        public int IntContent
            get { return _intContent; }
            set { SetProperty(ref _intContent, value); }

    public class FloatgType : ParamType

        private float _floatContent;
        public float FloatContent
            get { return _floatContent; }
            set { SetProperty(ref _floatContent, value); }

    public class BoolType : ParamType

        private bool _boolTypeValue;
        public bool BoolTypeValue
            get { return _boolTypeValue; }
            set { SetProperty(ref _boolTypeValue, value); }

    public class NullableBoolType : ParamType

        private bool? _nullableBoolTypeValue;
        public bool? NullableBoolTypeValue
            get { return _nullableBoolTypeValue; }
            set { SetProperty(ref _nullableBoolTypeValue, value); }

    public class ListMulti : ParamType

        private ObservableCollection<Tuple<string, string>> _listMultiItems;
        public ObservableCollection<Tuple<string, string>> ListMultiItems
            get { return _listMultiItems; }
            set { SetProperty(ref _listMultiItems, value); }

        private  ObservableCollection<Tuple<string, string>>  _selectedListMulti;
        public  ObservableCollection<Tuple<string, string>>  SelectedItemsListMulti
            get { return _selectedListMulti ?? (_selectedListMulti = new ObservableCollection<Tuple<string,string>>()); }
            set { 
                SetProperty(ref _selectedListMulti, value); }

    public class ListSingle : ParamType
        private ObservableCollection<Tuple<string, string>> _listSingleItems;
        public ObservableCollection<Tuple<string, string>> ListSingleItems
            get { return _listSingleItems; }
            set { SetProperty(ref _listSingleItems, value); }

        //private ObservableCollection<Tuple<string, string>> _listSingleItems;
        //public ObservableCollection<Tuple<string, string>> ListSingleItems
        //    get { return _listSingleItems; }
        //    set { SetProperty(ref _listSingleItems, value); }

    public class StringMulti : ParamType

        private string _listMultiCollection;
        public string ListMultiCollection
            get { return _listMultiCollection; }
            set { SetProperty(ref _listMultiCollection, value); }

    public enum ParamTypeEnum



问题在于类 Tuple<T1, T2> ,由您的类(class)使用 ListMulti其中,没有默认构造函数,因为元组只能通过 Tuple.Create() 公开创建。 XmlSerializer然而,requires classes to have parameterless default constructors如果遇到没有默认构造函数的类型,则会抛出异常。这是您看到的异常。

一种解决方法是向您的类添加代理属性,这些属性重新打包并以可序列化的形式返回其数据。然后,用 XmlIgnore 标记“真实”属性。 。对于 ListMulti 持有的字符串元组集合,一个string [][]代理属性是有意义的:

public class ListMulti : ParamType
    [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)]
    public string[][] SerializableListMultiItems
            return ListMultiItems.ToPairArray();

    [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)]
    public string[][] SerializableSelectedItemsListMulti
            return SelectedItemsListMulti.ToPairArray();

    private ObservableCollection<Tuple<string, string>> _listMultiItems = new ObservableCollection<Tuple<string, string>>();

    public ObservableCollection<Tuple<string, string>> ListMultiItems
        get { return _listMultiItems; }
        set { SetProperty(ref _listMultiItems, value); }

    private ObservableCollection<Tuple<string, string>> _selectedListMulti;

    public ObservableCollection<Tuple<string, string>> SelectedItemsListMulti
        get { return _selectedListMulti ?? (_selectedListMulti = new ObservableCollection<Tuple<string, string>>()); }
            SetProperty(ref _selectedListMulti, value);


public static class TupleExtensions
    public static T[][] ToPairArray<T>(this IEnumerable<Tuple<T, T>> collection)
        return collection == null ? null : collection.Select(t => new[] { t.Item1, t.Item2 }).ToArray();

    public static void SetFromPairArray<T>(this ICollection<Tuple<T, T>> collection, T[][] array)
        if (collection == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException();
        foreach (var pair in array)
            if (pair.Length != 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Inner array did not have length 2");
            collection.Add(Tuple.Create(pair[0], pair[1]));

您需要对 ListSingle 进行类似的修复.

关于c# - 元组无法序列化,因为它没有无参数构造函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33225824/


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