c# - 不使用派生类中的方法

标签 c# oop polymorphism

Uni 作业要求我们用 C# 构建一个派生 Sauce 的披萨应用程序来自Ingredient 。我有一个List<Ingredient>即存储两种类型的对象。



public string BuildInstructionList()
    {   // iterate through list of selected toppings and build a single string for display in the GUI
    int count = 1; string instructions = "";
    foreach (var i in toppings)
        instructions = instructions += string.Format("Step {0}: {1}", count, i.GetInstructions());
        return instructions;


public virtual string GetInstructions()
        string instructionLine;
        string qty = this.GetIngredientQuantity().ToString();
        string unit = this.GetIngredientUnit();
        string name = this.GetIngredientName();
        instructionLine = string.Format("Add {0} {1} of {2} to the pizza.\n", qty, unit, name);
        return instructionLine;


public new string GetInstructions()
        PizzaGUI.Message("I am here!");
        string instructionLine;
        string qty = this.GetIngredientQuantity().ToString();
        string unit = this.GetIngredientUnit();
        string name = this.GetIngredientName();
        instructionLine = string.Format("Apply {0} {1} of {2} to the pizza.\n", qty, unit, name);
        return instructionLine;


您需要在 Sauce.cs 方法中使用 override 代替 new

来自MSDN override 修饰符扩展基类方法,new 修饰符隐藏它。

public override string GetInstructions()
        PizzaGUI.Message("I am here!");
        string instructionLine;
        string qty = this.GetIngredientQuantity().ToString();
        string unit = this.GetIngredientUnit();
        string name = this.GetIngredientName();
        instructionLine = string.Format("Apply {0} {1} of {2} to the pizza.\n", qty, unit, name);
        return instructionLine;

关于c# - 不使用派生类中的方法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34821609/


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