c# - 检查属性在 FluentValidation 列表中是否唯一

标签 c# .net fluentvalidation

我正在努力确保列表具有唯一的 SSN。我收到“无法自动确定表达式元素 => 元素的属性名称。请通过调用‘WithName’指定自定义属性名称”错误。我们会知道我在这里做错了什么吗?

    using FluentValidation;
    using FluentValidation.Validators;

    public class PersonsValidator : AbstractValidator<Persons>    
        public PersonsValidator()
            this.RuleFor(element => element)
               .SetValidator(new SSNNumbersInHouseHoldShouldBeUnique<Persons>())
                .WithMessage("SSN's in household should be unique");

    public class SSNNumbersInHouseHoldShouldBeUnique<T> : PropertyValidator
        public SSNNumbersInHouseHoldShouldBeUnique()
        : base("SSN's in household should be unique")

        protected override bool IsValid(PropertyValidatorContext context)
            var persons = context.Instance as Persons;
                if (persons == null)
                    return false;

                var persons = persons.Where(element => element.SSN.Trim().Length > 0);
                var allSSNs = persons.Select(element => element.SSN.Trim());
                if (allSSNs.Count() > allSSNs.Distinct().Count())
                    return false;
                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return false;

    public class Persons : List<Person>

    public class Person
        public string SSN{ get; set; }


我使用的是 FluentValidation 4.6 版。根据 Jeremy Skinner(FluentValidation 的作者)的说法,我需要至少使用 5.6 才能使用模型级规则(如 RuleFor(element => element))。 作为解决方法,我在实际类本身上添加了此验证,而不是创建验证类。希望这对某人有帮助。

using FluentValidation;
using FluentValidation.Results;

 public class Persons : List<Person>
public void ValidateAndThrow()
            var errors = new List<ValidationFailure>();
                var persons = this.Where(element => element.SSN.Trim().Length > 0);
                var allSSNs = persons.Select(element => element.SSN.Trim());
                if (allSSNs.Count() > allSSNs.Distinct().Count())
                    var validationFailure = new ValidationFailure("UniqueSSNsInHouseHold", "SSN's in a household should be unique");
            catch (Exception ex)

            if (errors.Any())
                throw new ValidationException(errors);

关于c# - 检查属性在 FluentValidation 列表中是否唯一,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34983790/


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