c# - 分割 10k 页 PDF 时出现内存泄漏(iTextSharp PDF API)

标签 c# memory-management memory-leaks garbage-collection itext

我有一个略多于 10,000 页的 PDF,我试图根据分隔符页面将其拆分为更小的 PDF。我当前的实现效果很好,直到您开始一次向它扔完整的 10k 页。在大约第 50 个创建 pdf(每个大约 100 页)之后,它将开始显着减慢,并且在出现 OutOfMemoryException 之前,我的内存使用量会跃升至大约 2GB。我对内存管理的经验很少,但我做了很多研究。我在这里提出这个问题只是因为它对时间敏感,所以如果我自己没有进行合理的研究,我深表歉意。

我对原始 PDF 的初步阅读:

 var pdfDictionary = PDFHelper.ParsePDFByPage(_workItem.FileName);
        //Code behind
        public static Dictionary<int, string> ParsePDFByPage(string filePath)
            var retVal = new Dictionary<int, string>();

            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(filePath);
            for (int page = 1; page <= reader.NumberOfPages; page++)
                retVal.Add(page, PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(reader, page, new StructuredTextExtractionStrategy()));

            return retVal;

读完后,我找到哪些页面是分隔符,并为需要从原始页面拆分的每个页面范围创建一个 HMPdf(定义如下)的实例

var pdfsToCreate= pdfDictionary.Where(x => x.Value.Contains("DELIMITER"));
var pdfList = new List<HMPdf>();
foreach (var item in pdfsToCreate) //pdfsToCreate = Dictionary<int,string> 
    //Parsing logic (most removed, just know that this part works fine)

    //After parsing, create new instance of HMPdf and add it to the list
    var pdf = new HMPdf(startPage, endPage, fileName);

解析后,创建 PDF

foreach (var hmpdf in pdfList)
    //I've tried forcing the GC to collect after every 10 pdfs created
    string error = string.Empty;
    if (!hmpdf.TryCreate(sourcePath, destinationPath, out error))
        throw new Exception("Error creating new PDF - " + error);

HMPdf 代码隐藏

public class HMPdf
    private string _path;
    private string _fileName;
    private PdfCopy _pdfCopy = null;
    private PdfReader _reader = null;
    private Document _sourceDocument = null;
    private PdfImportedPage _importedPage = null;
    private int _pageFrom;
    private int _pageTo;
    private FileStream _fileStream;

    public HMPdf(int pageFrom, int pageTo, string fileName)
        _pageFrom = pageFrom;
        _pageTo = pageTo;
        _fileName = fileName;

    public bool TryCreate(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, out string errorMessage)

            _reader = new PdfReader(sourcePath);
            _sourceDocument = new Document(_reader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(_pageFrom));
            _fileStream = new System.IO.FileStream(Path.Combine(destinationPath, _fileName.ToLower().Contains(".pdf") ? _fileName : _fileName + ".pdf"),
            _pdfCopy = new PdfCopy(_sourceDocument, _fileStream);
            for (int i = _pageFrom; i <= _pageTo; i++)
                _importedPage = _pdfCopy.GetImportedPage(_reader, i);
                _importedPage = null;
            return true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            errorMessage = ex.Message;
            return false;
            if (_reader != null)
                _reader = null;
            if (_sourceDocument != null)
                _sourceDocument = null;
            if (_pdfCopy != null)
                _pdfCopy = null;
            if (_fileStream != null)
                _fileStream = null;

正如你所知,我正在关闭/处置所有打开的文件流、读取器等......(对吗?)。我尝试过每创建 10 个 pdf 后强制垃圾收集器运行一次,但它不会清理任何内容。我运行了 Telerik JustTrace,由于我对内存管理知之甚少,有几件事很突出。首先,在几个快照之间,有 0 个已释放的对象,而在最后一个快照中,pdfList 对象占用了近 1 GB 的内存。




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    public bool TryCreate(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, out string errorMessage)

            using (var _reader = new PdfReader(sourcePath))
                using (var _sourceDocument = new Document(_reader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(_pageFrom)))
                    using (var _fileStream =
                        new System.IO.FileStream(
                            Path.Combine(destinationPath, _fileName.ToLower().Contains(".pdf") ? _fileName : _fileName + ".pdf"),
                        using (_pdfCopy = new PdfCopy(_sourceDocument, _fileStream))
                            for (int i = _pageFrom; i <= _pageTo; i++)
                                _importedPage = _pdfCopy.GetImportedPage(_reader, i);
                                _importedPage = null;
            return true;


关于c# - 分割 10k 页 PDF 时出现内存泄漏(iTextSharp PDF API),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35304425/


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