c# - 函数中参数的可变顺序

标签 c# variables parameters optional-parameters


public static bool Substr(string source, out string output, string begining, int length = -1, string end = null)
    output = "";
    int start_;
    if ((start_ = source.IndexOf(begining, StringComparison.Ordinal)) != -1)
        start_ += begining.Length;
        if (length != -1)
            if (start_ +length <= source.Length)
                output = source.Substring(start_, length);
                return true;
            int end_;
            if ((end_ = source.IndexOf(end, start_, StringComparison.Ordinal)) != -1)
                output = source.Substring(start_, end_ -start_);
                return true;
    return false;


string in = "aaaaaaa(bbbbbb)";
string result = Substr(in, out result, "(", -1, ")");

子字符串的结尾是“)”,但我必须写-1,我不使用它,因为第四个参数预计是 int


string in = "aaaaaaa(bbbbbb)";
string result = Substr(in, out result, "(", 6);

子字符串的结尾是“(”之后的第 6 个字符


string result = Substr(in, out result, "(", ")");

我的灵感来自 C# native 函数,例如 infexOf:

string i = "aaaaa(bbbb)";
int x = i.IndexOf("(", 3, StringComparison.Ordinal);
int y = i.IndexOf("(", StringComparison.Ordinal);

在本例中,第二个参数是 int 或 StringComparison。

如何让编译器根据参数数据类型来决定,而不是期望参数的确切顺序? 请注意,我不是在寻找“命名和可选参数”https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd264739(v=vs.100).aspx


How do I make compiler decide by parameter data type instead of expecting exact order of parameters?


Note that I am not looking for "Named and Optional Arguments"


public static bool Substr(string source, out string output, string begining, int length, string end)
public static bool Substr(string source, out string output, string begining, string end)
public static bool Substr(string source, out string output, string begining, int length)
public static bool Substr(string source, out string output, string begining)


关于c# - 函数中参数的可变顺序,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37629409/


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