c# - 从 SymbolAnalysisContext 获取语法树

标签 c# roslyn

我需要从给定的 SymbolAnalysisContext 访问语法树(完整的源文件文本)。我发现我可以调用 context.Compilation.SyntaxTrees 但从中选择哪一个?还有别的办法吗?


一个符号可以在一个或多个语法树中定义,或者在元数据中定义(通过引用)。您可以通过 ISymbol.Locations 获得所有这些,其中:

Gets the locations where the symbol was originally defined, either in source or metadata. Some symbols (for example, partial classes) may be defined in more than one location.


var syntaxTrees = from x in context.Symbol.Locations
                  where x.IsInSource
                  select x.SourceTree;

关于c# - 从 SymbolAnalysisContext 获取语法树,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37695086/


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