c# - 有没有办法知道FileSystemwatcher还剩下多少缓冲区?

标签 c# multithreading events buffer filesystemwatcher






  1. Will the main thread wait to finish the processing of all the events?
  2. Which thread will clear the internal buffer associated with the Watcher and when?
  3. I have read at lots of places that the handler method should take as minimum time as possible or we can get InternalBufferOverflow Exception. So, is it safe to assume that the Internal Buffer for the Watcher is only cleaned up when the thread(s) (I can't say one or all, but want to ask from you) which are processing the handler method has processed the method?



它是隐藏在名为FSWAsyncResult的内部类中的实现细节。如果掌握了该类的实例及其包含的缓冲区字节数组,则仍然无法可靠地回答剩余的空间,因为该字节数组仅充当对 ReadDirectoryChangesW 调用的结果的保留内存。

在此答案的底部找到一个精简的反向工程版本,用于监视文件夹中的文件更改。它的逻辑和代码与您在实际的FileSystemWatcher中找到的逻辑和代码相匹配。我没有费心用适当的含义替换魔术常数。可以正常工作™。不要忘记更改构 build 置,因为代码经常摆弄指针和 native 结构,因此不安全。而且我剥离了所有错误处理...

如果遵循下面的代码,您会注意到只有一个地方创建了byte []缓冲区,并且只发生了一次。相同的缓冲区被重复使用。阅读文档,博客和worker and I/O threads,我了解ReadDirectoryChangesW用于以I/O完成方式发出回调。对于托管世界而言,这无关紧要,那只是另一个线程。

回调是在托管线程池线程上安排的。有时,您将获得与以前相同的托管ID,而在繁忙时,您将获得多个。在该线程上执行CompletionStatusChanged。该方法负责处理当前字节缓冲区中存在的所有事件。注意,我包括了一个sizeused变量,因此您可以看到缓冲区中存在的有效数据的实际大小。对于发现的每个事件,它都会同步引发(或调用)事件的订阅者(因此在同一线程上)。一旦完成,它将再次使用刚刚处理的相同byte []缓冲区调用Monitor。在执行CompletionStatusChanged的过程中,任何文件更改都会由OS保留,并在下次调用CompletionStatusChanged时发送。

tl; dr;

... I want to know (during debugging) how much buffer size for the Watcher is left and can be used


  1. Will the main thread wait to finish the processing of all the events?


  1. Which thread will clear the internal buffer associated with the Watcher and when?


  1. I have read at lots of places that the handler method should take as minimum time as possible or we can get InternalBufferOverflow Exception. So, is it safe to assume that the Internal Buffer for the Watcher is only cleaned up when the thread(s) (I can't say one or all, but want to ask from you) which are processing the handler method has processed the method?



static object instance = new object(); // HACK
static SafeFileHandle hndl; // holds our filehandle (directory in this case)

static void Main(string[] args)

    // the folder to watch
    hndl = NativeMethods.CreateFile(@"c:\temp\delete", 1, 7, IntPtr.Zero, 3, 1107296256, new SafeFileHandle(IntPtr.Zero, false));
    // this selects IO completion threads in the ThreadPool

    // this starts the actual listening
    Monitor(new byte[4096]);




此方法负责创建 native 结构和作为IAsyncResult实现的帮助程序类的实例。
此方法还调用ReadDirectoryChangesW,并选择参数组合,将其设置为使用IOCompletinPorts进行异步完成。可以在Understanding ReadDirectoryChangesW - Part 1中找到有关这些选项的更多背景信息。
static unsafe void Monitor(byte[] buffer)

    Overlapped overlapped = new Overlapped();

    // notice how the buffer goes here as instance member on AsyncResult.
    // Arrays are still Reference types.      
    overlapped.AsyncResult = new AsyncResult { buffer = buffer };
    // CompletionStatusChanged is the method that will be called
    // when filechanges are detected
    NativeOverlapped* statusChanged = overlapped.Pack(new IOCompletionCallback(CompletionStatusChanged), buffer);

    fixed (byte* ptr2 = buffer)
        int num;
        // this where the magic starts
          new HandleRef(instance, (IntPtr)((void*)ptr2)), 
          (int)(NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.LastAccess | NotifyFilters.LastWrite | NotifyFilters.Attributes), 
          out num, 
          new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero));



// this gets called by a ThreadPool IO Completion thread
static unsafe void CompletionStatusChanged(uint errorCode, uint numBytes, NativeOverlapped* overlappedPointer)
        var sb = new StringBuilder();

        Overlapped overlapped = Overlapped.Unpack(overlappedPointer);
        var result = (AsyncResult) overlapped.AsyncResult;

        var position = 0;
        int offset;
        int flags;
        int sizeused = 0;
        string file;
        // read the buffer,
        // that can contain multiple events
            fixed (byte* ptr = result.buffer)
                // process FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION
                // see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa364391(v=vs.85).aspx
                offset = ((int*)ptr)[position / 4];
                flags = ((int*)ptr + position / 4)[1];
                int len = ((int*)ptr + position / 4)[2];
                file = new string((char*)ptr + position / 2 + 6, 0, len / 2);
                sizeused = position + len + 14; 
            sb.AppendFormat("#thread {0},  event: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}\r\n", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, position, offset, flags, file);
            // in the real FileSystemWatcher here the several events are raised
            // so that uses the same thread this code is on.
            position += offset;
        } while (offset != 0);

        // my own logging
        sb.AppendFormat(" === buffer used: {0} ==== ", sizeused);


        // start again, reusing the same buffer:


NativeMethods正是它们的称呼:WinAPI中 native 调用的入口点。
class AsyncResult : IAsyncResult
    internal byte[] buffer;
    // default implementation of the interface left out

    // removed default implementation for brevity

static class NativeMethods
    [DllImport("kernel32.dll", BestFitMapping = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    public static extern SafeFileHandle CreateFile(string lpFileName, int dwDesiredAccess, int dwShareMode, IntPtr lpSecurityAttributes, int dwCreationDisposition, int dwFlagsAndAttributes, SafeFileHandle hTemplateFile);

    [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
    public unsafe static extern bool ReadDirectoryChangesW(SafeFileHandle hDirectory, HandleRef lpBuffer, int nBufferLength, int bWatchSubtree, int dwNotifyFilter, out int lpBytesReturned, NativeOverlapped* overlappedPointer, HandleRef lpCompletionRoutine);

关于c# - 有没有办法知道FileSystemwatcher还剩下多少缓冲区?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45586630/


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