c# - Unity 中相机平滑变焦的问题

标签 c# unity-game-engine camera zooming



[SerializeField, Range(10, 100)] float scrollSpeed = 10f;
[SerializeField] Vector2 zoomAmount = Vector2.zero;

private float ScrollWheel
    get { return Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel"); }

private new Camera camera = null;

void Update()
    if (camera == null) return;


void UpdateZoom()
    pos = camera.transform.position;

    pos = Vector3.Lerp(pos, new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y - scrollSpeed * 10 * ScrollWheel, pos.z), Time.deltaTime * 2);
    pos.y = Mathf.Clamp(pos.y, zoomAmount.x, zoomAmount.y);

    camera.transform.position = pos;


我认为您对 Lerp 有点困惑(当我开始使用它时,我也以同样的方式感到困惑)。当您传入 0 作为时间参数(第三个参数)时,它将返回您的“起始”向量。当您为时间参数传递 1 或更大的值时,它将返回您的“结束”向量。 但是,如果您传递 Time.deltaTime * 2,那么每帧都会返回大致相同的插值向量。 Lerp 不会“跟踪”它已经插值的距离,因此通过每帧传递相同的时间值,Lerp 将永远不会真正返回结束向量。因此,您不需要传递 Time.deltaTime * 2,而是需要执行类似的操作

float interpolatedTime = 0;
void Update()
   var myVector = Vector3.Lerp(vector1, vector2, this.interpolatedTime);
   this.interpolatedTime += Time.deltaTime; 


float zoomTime;
float zoomTarget;
float lastScrollWheelDirection;

void Update()
    // If this camera is currently zooming in and the player started zooming
    // out (or vice versa), reset the amount that is remaining to be zoomed
    if ((this.lastScrollWheelDirection > 0 && this.ScrollWheel < 0) ||
        (this.lastScrollWheelDirection < 0 && this.ScrollWheel > 0))
        this.zoomTarget = 0;
    if (this.ScrollWheel != 0)
        this.lastScrollWheelDirection = this.ScrollWheel;

    // zoomTarget is the total distance that is remaining to be zoomed.
    // Each frame that the scroll wheel is moved, we'll add a little more
    // to the distance that we want to zoom
    zoomTarget += this.ScrollWheel * this.scrollSpeed;

    // zoomTime is used to do linear interpolation to create a smooth zoom.
    // Each time the player moves the mouse wheel, we reset zoomTime so that 
    // we restart our linear interpolation
    if (this.ScrollWheel != 0)
        this.zoomTime = 0;

    if (this.zoomTarget != 0)
        this.zoomTime += Time.deltaTime;

        // Calculate how much our camera will be moved this frame using linear
        // interpolation.  You can adjust how fast the camera zooms by
        // changing the divisor for zoomTime
        var translation = Vector3.Lerp(
            new Vector3(0, 0, 0),
            new Vector3(0, this.zoomTarget, 0),
            zoomTime / 4f);   // see comment above

        // Zoom the camera by the amount that we calculated for this frame
        this.transform.position -= translation;

        // Decrease the amount that's remaining to be zoomed by the amount 
        // that we zoomed this frame
        this.zoomTarget -= translation.y;

关于c# - Unity 中相机平滑变焦的问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55229906/


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