c# - LINQ-to-SQL - 在日期对象中按周分组

标签 c# linq linq-to-sql

我正在 LINQ-to-SQL 中编写一个查询,该查询中有一个日期列。我想按“周”对结果进行分组。我该如何在 LINQ-to-SQL 中执行此操作?





Indicates that the first week of the year starts on the first day of the year and ends before the following designated first day of the week

int firstDayOfWeek = (int)DayOfWeek.Monday;
var q = 
    from u in TblUsers
    let date = u.CreateDate.Value
    let num = date.DayOfYear - 1
    let num2 = ((int)date.DayOfWeek) - (num % 7)
    let num3 = ((num2 - firstDayOfWeek) + 14) % 7
    let week = (((num + num3) / 7) + 1)
    group u by week into g
    select new 
        Week = g.Key,
        Count = g.Count ()

关于c# - LINQ-to-SQL - 在日期对象中按周分组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7822659/


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