c# - 两个区域是否可以共享同一条路线并且仍然可以到达?

标签 c# asp.net-mvc asp.net-mvc-4 asp.net-mvc-routing



    "Landing Controllers",
    new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" }


    "Mobile Defaults",
    new { controller = "MobileHome", action = "Index" },
    new { controller = "MobileHome", action = "Index" }

默认情况下,当尝试访问根 URL / 时,将始终采用其中一个或另一个路由。但假设我们使用自定义 AuthorizeAttribute 装饰我们的 Controller 操作,其中重写 OnAuthorization 方法以在适当时将用户重定向到正确的 Controller ,如下所示。 (想法取自伟大的blog post。)

public class MobileRedirectAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
    public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
        var result = // Logic to generate the ActionResult that conditionally
                     // takes us to the other route goes here.

        filterContext.Result = result;

我尝试使用新的 RedirectResultRedirectToRouteResult,但由于路由冲突,这两个方法都无法按我想要的方式工作。有没有办法将 AuthorizationContext.Result 设置为一个值,使我们能够执行当前未执行的操作? (作为最后的手段,我可​​以在移动路线上添加某种命名空间变量作为前缀,但我想避免走这条路。)


是否可以在 MVC 项目中设置维基百科的路由,其中​​每个环境(移动/桌面)都在其自己的区域中注册?


一位同事使用自定义 IRouteConstraint 引导我找到了一个很有前景的解决方案。

public class HelloWorldConstraint : IRouteConstraint
    public bool Match(HttpContextBase httpContext, Route route,
        string parameterName, RouteValueDictionary values,
        RouteDirection routeDirection)
        // Determine whether to accept the route for this request.
        var browser = BrowserDetector.Parse(httpContext.Request.UserAgent);
        if (browser == BrowserPlatform.Mobile)
            return true;

        return false;


    "Mobile Defaults",
    new { controller = "MobileHome", action = "Index" },
    // In this case, it's not so much necessary to attach the constraint to
    // a particular route parameter as it is important to be able to inspect
    // the HttpContextBase provided by the IRouteConstraint.
    new {
        controller = new HelloWorldConstraint()

关于c# - 两个区域是否可以共享同一条路线并且仍然可以到达?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21783986/


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