c# - 如何从远程类调用未引用的方法? (允许 C# 和 VB.NET)

标签 c# wpf vb.net visual-studio oop

对于我的一生,我找不到解决方案: 我设置了一个类来执行几件事,其中之一是操作 window 。这些窗口之一是 MainWindow.xaml

例如,我希望此类关闭 MainWindow.xaml,也就是说,如果从 OtherClass.cs 中调用一个方法。

基本上:我想从远程类访问窗口 (MainWindow.xaml.cs) 代码隐藏中未引用的方法,尽管在同一项目 (Visual Studio) 中。

当我使用 MainWindow (using MainWindowimports MainWindow in )并使用其成员关闭窗口时,如下所示:

using MainWindow
Public class OtherClass
    // OtherClass is instanced elsewhere and then is decided to close MainWindow.
    // So I imagine doing the following:
    private void CommandClose()

在 MainWindow.xaml.cs 中:

Public class MainWindow
    Public void CloseMainWindow()



using MainWindow
Public class OtherClass
    MainWindow myWindow // Though now I have a new window :/
    private void CommandClose()

因此,要访问 MainWindow.xaml.cs 中的任何成员而不创建新实例,我需要共享它们吗?但这会违背让它对窗口执行任何操作的目的,因为那时关闭命令将不可用!

我可能忽略了一些事情,但 atm 我似乎没有注意到它。 有人可以告诉我处理这种情况的方法吗?

注意,如果有人想知道的话,我正在 Windows Presentation Foundation 工作。


What I am trying to do is run a command within another class, which is a public member of a WPF window. The window is already instanced and displayed. I just want to access its public members so I can manipulate the window from another class for convenience sake. This OtherClass.cs of mine is a class that handles console actions. The console is a custom control situated in the MainWindow.xaml.cs. When the user types for instance: /close, I want the MainWindow.xaml to close, but not just that, for in the future I want to add more features.




    var windows = Application.Current.Windows.OfType<MainWindow>();
    foreach (var window in windows)


关于c# - 如何从远程类调用未引用的方法? (允许 C# 和 VB.NET),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22516972/


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