html - POST 与 post,GET 与 get

标签 html forms tags capslock


<form method="POST" />


<form method="post" />



一段时间以来,W3C 倾向于将属性名称和值小写。

例如 xhtml 1.0 standard 的第 4.11 节2002 年:

4.11. Attributes with pre-defined value sets

HTML 4 and XHTML both have some attributes that have pre-defined and limited sets of values (e.g. the type attribute of the input element). In SGML and XML, these are called enumerated attributes. Under HTML 4, the interpretation of these values was case-insensitive, so a value of TEXT was equivalent to a value of text. Under XML, the interpretation of these values is case-sensitive, and in XHTML 1 all of these values are defined in lower-case.

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