c# - 自定义字符顺序

标签 c# enums


    public static enum AlphaCode
        Q, N, A, C


List<string> Codes = new List<string>() { "qc", "aq", "nc", "ac" }; 我希望它们按 AlphaCode 的顺序排列。 ,所以它们将像这样输出:

qc nc aq ac




由于您希望在自定义排序顺序中包含非字母字符,因此使用集合类型而不是 enum 来存储顺序可能更有意义。例如,如果您使用 ListArray,则可以简单地使用索引作为排序的键。

然后,要启用自定义排序,您可以编写一个方法,该方法接受两个字符串并返回一个定义哪个字符串排在前面的 int,并且可以将其传递给该方法的 Sort 方法。 列表。该方法应采用两个字符串,如果第一个字符串“小于”第二个字符串,则返回 -1,如果它们相等则返回 0,或者返回 1 > 如果第一个字符串“大于”第二个字符串。


private static int CodeComparer(string first, string second)
    // Short-circuit if one or both strings are null
    if (first == null) return (second == null) ? 0 : -1;
    if (second == null) return 1;

    // The following list should contain all characters in their desired sort order.
    // NOTE: You will need to include UPPERCASE characters as well if expected.
    //    If you want to treat UPPER CASE the same as lower case, then you would call 
    //    ToLower on first and second, and just have lower case characters in this list.
    var sortOrder = new List<char> { 'q', 'n', 'a', 'c', '-', '3', '2', '1' };

    // Since we will loop through both strings one character at a time,
    // we need to get the length of the shorter string (to prevent index out of range)
    int shortestLength = Math.Min(first.Length, second.Length);

    for (int i = 0; i < shortestLength; i++)
        if (first[i] != second[i])
            // When we find two characters that don't match, return the 
            // comparison of their respective indexes in our master list
            return sortOrder.IndexOf(first[i]).CompareTo(sortOrder.IndexOf(second[i]));

    // If all the characters matched, compare the length of the strings. 
    // Normally the shortest comes first, so we do second.CompareTo(first)
    return second.Length.CompareTo(first.Length);


private static void Main()
    var codes = new List<string>() { "qc", "aq", "nc", "ac", "1a", "3c", "-n" };


    Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", codes));


qc, nc, aq, ac, -n, 3c, 1a

关于c# - 自定义字符顺序,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29245800/


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