c# - 在原始字符串中获取函数参数值的最佳 C# 正则表达式模式?

标签 c# regex string

我正在解析 C# 项目中的 html 代码。


<a href="javascript:func('data1','data2'...)">...</a>

或者在必要的 .subtring() 之后:


检索 func() 参数的最佳 Regex 模式是什么,避免依赖分隔符(' 和 ,),因为它们有时可能是参数的字符串?


不应该使用正则表达式来解析编程语言代码,因为它不是常规语言。本文解释了原因:Can regular expressions be used to match nested patterns?


^                               # Start of string
[^()'""]+\(                     # matches `func(`
(?>                             # START - Iterator (match each parameter)
 (?(param)\s*,(?>\s*))          # if it's not the 1st parameter, start with a `,`
 (?'param'                      # opens 'param' (main group, captures each parameter)
   (?>                          # Group: matches every char in parameter
      (?'qt'['""])              #  ALTERNATIVE 1: strings (matches ""foo"",'ba\'r','g)o\'o')
      (?:                       #   match anything inside quotes
        [^\\'""]+               #    any char except quotes or escapes
        |(?!\k'qt')['""]        #    or the quotes not used here (ie ""double'quotes"")
        |\\.                    #    or any escaped char
      )*                        #   repeat: *
      \k'qt'                    #   close quotes
   |  (?'parens'\()             #  ALTERNATIVE 2: `(` open nested parens (nested func)
   |  (?'-parens'\))            #  ALTERNATIVE 3: `)` close nested parens
   |  (?'braces'\{)             #  ALTERNATIVE 4: `{` open braces
   |  (?'-braces'})             #  ALTERNATIVE 5: `}` close braces
   |  [^,(){}\\'""]             #  ALTERNATIVE 6: anything else (var, funcName, operator, etc)
   |  (?(parens),)              #  ALTERNATIVE 7: `,` a comma if inside parens
   |  (?(braces),)              #  ALTERNATIVE 8: `,` a comma if inside braces
   )*                           # Repeat: *
                                # CONDITIONS:
  (?(parens)(?!))               #  a. balanced parens
  (?(braces)(?!))               #  b. balanced braces
  (?<!\s)                       #  c. no trailing spaces
 )                              # closes 'param'
)*                              # Repeat the whole thing once for every parameter
\s*\)\s*(?:;\s*)?               # matches `)` at the end if func(), maybe with a `;`
$                               # END



Test online


以防万一顽固的头脑仍然感兴趣,这里有一个指向其背后逻辑的链接:Matching Nested Constructs with Balancing Groups (regular-expressions.info)

关于c# - 在原始字符串中获取函数参数值的最佳 C# 正则表达式模式?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32512994/


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