c# - 统一: Change Particle System to pooling

标签 c# unity3d particle-system


public ParticleSystem[] Myeffects;

public void Particle(int particleNum, Vector3 Pos)
    if (Myeffects != null && Myeffects[particleNumber] != null )
        if (Myeffects[particleNumber].isPlaying)

        ParticleSystem temp = Instantiate(Myeffects[particleNum], particlePos, new Quaternion()) as ParticleSystem;



首先,选择您的粒子系统预制件/TNT,然后确保未选中Play On Awake。下面的池脚本是实现这一目标的专用技巧。它将创建指定的 ParticleSystem 数组,然后重新使用它们。请注意,ParticlePool 继承自 MonoBehaviour,因此请确保直接复制它。

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System;

public class ParticlePool
    int particleAmount;
    ParticleSystem[] NormalParticle;
    ParticleSystem[] TNTParticle;

    public ParticlePool(ParticleSystem normalPartPrefab, ParticleSystem tntPartPrefab, int amount = 10)
        particleAmount = amount;
        NormalParticle = new ParticleSystem[particleAmount];
        TNTParticle = new ParticleSystem[particleAmount];

        for (int i = 0; i < particleAmount; i++)
            //Instantiate 10 NormalParticle
            NormalParticle[i] = GameObject.Instantiate(normalPartPrefab, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Quaternion()) as ParticleSystem;

            //Instantiate 10 TNTParticle
            TNTParticle[i] = GameObject.Instantiate(tntPartPrefab, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Quaternion()) as ParticleSystem;

    //Returns available GameObject
    public ParticleSystem getAvailabeParticle(int particleType)
        ParticleSystem firstObject = null;

        //Normal crate
        if (particleType == 0)
            //Get the first GameObject
            firstObject = NormalParticle[0];
            //Move everything Up by one

        //TNT crate
        else if (particleType == 1)
            //Get the first GameObject
            firstObject = TNTParticle[0];
            //Move everything Up by one

        return firstObject;

    //Returns How much GameObject in the Array
    public int getAmount()
        return particleAmount;

    //Moves the GameObject Up by 1 and moves the first one to the last one
    private void shiftUp(int particleType)
        //Get first GameObject
        ParticleSystem firstObject;

        //Normal crate
        if (particleType == 0)
            firstObject = NormalParticle[0];
            //Shift the GameObjects Up by 1
            Array.Copy(NormalParticle, 1, NormalParticle, 0, NormalParticle.Length - 1);

            //(First one is left out)Now Put first GameObject to the Last one
            NormalParticle[NormalParticle.Length - 1] = firstObject;

        //TNT crate
        else if (particleType == 1)
            firstObject = TNTParticle[0];
            //Shift the GameObjects Up by 1
            Array.Copy(TNTParticle, 1, TNTParticle, 0, TNTParticle.Length - 1);

            //(First one is left out)Now Put first GameObject to the Last one
            TNTParticle[TNTParticle.Length - 1] = firstObject;

然后,您的 ParticleHolder 脚本应使用以下代码更新。就是这样。没有更多的实例化。

public class ParticleHolder : MonoBehaviour

    public ParticleSystem[] effects;
    ParticlePool particlePool;

    void Start()
        // 0 = Normal crate
        // 1 = TNT crate
        particlePool = new ParticlePool(effects[0], effects[1], 5);

    public void playParticle(int particleType, Vector3 particlePos)
        ParticleSystem particleToPlay = particlePool.getAvailabeParticle(particleType);

        if (particleToPlay != null)
            if (particleToPlay.isPlaying)

            particleToPlay.transform.position = particlePos;


关于c# - 统一: Change Particle System to pooling,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38280685/


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