c# - 内部类构造函数...这有效吗?

标签 c# unity-game-engine


无论如何,我正在尝试开始构建另一个 MMORPG,同时我也在学习 c Sharp。我有一个职业类(玩家的工作,如法师、骑士等),我想在创建玩家类的同时创建它,所以我需要使用一个 id 来决定哪个职业和什么他们继承的属性值。



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

//DONE: abstract: a personage can't be "Vocation", but Mage, Warrior, Archer... 
public abstract class Vocation
    //DONE: just a readonly property 
    public int Vid {get; }
    //DONE: just a readonly property
    public string Name { get { return _Name; } }
    protected string _Name = "None";

    //DONE: let's ensure the property to be overriden
    public abstract HitPointsPerLevel { get; }
    public abstract ManaPointsPerLevel { get; }

    //DONE: you don't want this constructor to be public, but protected only   
    //DONE: Assign all the data in one place
    protected Vocation(int vid)
        Vid = vid;

//DONE: do not declare derived class as inner one 
internal class Mage : Vocation
    sealed public override float HitPointsPerLevel { get { return 12f; } }
    sealed public override string _Name = "Mage";

    //DONE: typo constructor should have been "Mage"
    public Mage() : base(1)




using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

//DONE: abstract: a personage can't be "Vocation", but Mage, Warrior, Archer... 
public abstract class Vocation
    //DONE: just a readonly property 
    public int Vid {get; }
    //DONE: just a readonly property
    public string Name {get; }

    //DONE: let's ensure the property to be overriden
    public abstract HitPointsPerLevel { get; }

    //DONE: you don't want this constructor to be public, but protected only   
    //DONE: Assign all the data in one place
    protected Vocation(int vid, string name)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
            throw new ArgumentNullException("name");

        Vid = vid;
        Name = name;

//DONE: do not declare derived class as inner one 
internal class Mage : Vocation
    sealed public override float HitPointsPerLevel { get { return 12f; } }

    //DONE: typo constructor should have been "Mage"
    public Mage() : base(1, "Mage")

关于c# - 内部类构造函数...这有效吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38344869/


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