c# - 将自定义类型用于参数化 MSTest

标签 c# unit-testing testing mstest parameterized-unit-test

我正在创建单元测试,我想使用自定义类型(如 dto)创建参数化测试。


[DataRow(new StudentDto { FirstName = "Leo", Age = 22 })]
[DataRow(new StudentDto { FirstName = "John" })]
public void AddStudent_WithMissingFields_ShouldThrowException(StudentDto studentDto) {
    // logic to call service and do an assertion
  1. 这是你能做的事吗?我收到一条错误消息,提示“属性参数必须是常量表达式...”我想我在某处看到属性只能将原始类型作为参数?
  2. 这是错误的方法吗?我应该只传递属性并在测试中创建 dto 吗?


Is this something that you can do? I'm getting an error that says "An Attribute argument must be a constant expression..." I think I saw somewhere that attributes can only take primitive types as arguments?


Is this the wrong approach? Should I just pass in the properties and create the dto within the test?


[DataRow("Leo", 22)]
[DataRow("John", null)]
public void AddStudent_WithMissingFields_ShouldThrowException(string firstName, int? age,) {
    StudentDto studentDto = new StudentDto { 
        FirstName = firstName, 
        Age = age.GetValueOrDefault(0) 
    // logic to call service and do an assertion

或者按照评论中的建议,使用[DynamicData] 属性

static IEnumerable<object[]> StudentsData {
    get {
        return [] {
            new object[] {
                new StudentDto { FirstName = "Leo", Age = 22 },
                new StudentDto { FirstName = "John" }

public void AddStudent_WithMissingFields_ShouldThrowException(StudentDto studentDto) {
    // logic to call service and do an assertion

关于c# - 将自定义类型用于参数化 MSTest,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51427032/


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