c# - 使用 json 序列化(反)序列化多个对象时出现 Null 问题

标签 c# json serialization deserialization





I do initialize for example like this; obj.flag1 = true; before calling serialize() in other methods.(I didn't put them for simplicity since I already stated the functionality of methods)

它说对象为空,但从逻辑上讲,如果 obj2 和 obj 为空,则应该给出 obj 独立的错误。它不会读取我处理过的空文件。当我尝试组合两个对象时,它开始给我两个对象带来空错误。我快要扯头发了,有人可以帮忙吗?

    public partial class UI : Form
        FlagClass obj;
        CurrentAmplitude obj2;

        object[] seri_obj;//combine multiple objects

        //deserialization is performed in constructor
        public UI()


            seri_obj = new object[] { obj, obj2 };

            input += ".txt";

            //default path + new filename
            path_combined = Path.Combine(root, input);

            //it won't try to read empty file
            if (!File.Exists(path_combined))

                using (var stream = File.Create(path_combined))


            else //already have that file,so when user opens the program, data is loaded from file
                //read booleans and inetegres

                string json2 = File.ReadAllText(path_combined);
                string FormattedJson = FormatJson(json2);
                seri_obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<object[]>(FormattedJson);


        private static string FormatJson(string json)
            dynamic parsedJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
            return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parsedJson, Formatting.Indented);

        //I do serialization here
        void Serialize()
            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(seri_obj, Formatting.Indented);
            File.WriteAllText(path_combined, json);


String values are in this class via "obj2"

    class CurrentAmplitude
    //this class has the string values
        [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "value1")]
        public int value1 { get; set; }

        [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "value2")]
        public string value2 { get; set; }

        [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "value3")]
        public string value3 { get; set; }

        [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "value4")]
        public string value4 { get; set; }

        [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "value5")]
        public string value5 { get; set; }

        public CurrentAmplitude(){


Boolean values are in this class via "obj"

    class FlagClass
    //this class has the boolean values
        [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "flag1")]
        public bool flag1 { get; set; }

        [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "flag2")]
        public bool flag2 { get; set; }

        public FlagClass()



warning of null objects



seri_obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<object[]>(FormattedJson);

您要求反序列化器返回一个数组原始对象,这将产生一个 JObject 类型的数组,而不是您的 FlagClassCurrentAmplitude 类型。

您还设置了 seri_obj,但从未将 seri_obj 中的值分配给您的 objobj2变量,这就是编译器警告您的原因。


class Configuration
    public Flag { get; set; } = new FlagClass();

    public CurrentAmplitude { get; set; } = new CurrentAmplitude();

然后,当您想要加载/保存时,只需反序列化/序列化您的 Configuration 类的实例...

// create config object if new
var config = new Configuration();

// to save
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config);

// to load
var config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Configuration>(json);

// get/set config values
config.Flag.flag2 = false;


void Main()
    // create a new blank configuration
    Configuration config = new Configuration();

    // make changes to the configuration
    config.CurrentAmplitude.value1 = 123;
    config.CurrentAmplitude.value2 = "Hello";
    config.FlagClass.flag1 = false;
    config.FlagClass.flag2 = true;

    // serialize configuration to a string in order to save to a file
    string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config);

    // reload config from saved string
    config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Configuration>(json);

    // should print "Hello"

class Configuration
    public CurrentAmplitude CurrentAmplitude { get; set; } = new CurrentAmplitude();

    public FlagClass FlagClass { get; set; } = new FlagClass();

class CurrentAmplitude
    public int value1 { get; set; }

    public string value2 { get; set; }

    public string value3 { get; set; }

    public string value4 { get; set; }

    public string value5 { get; set; }

class FlagClass
    public bool flag1 { get; set; }

    public bool flag2 { get; set; }

在 C# 6 之前,您的配置类将如下所示:-

class Configuration
    public Configuration()
        CurrentAmplitude = new CurrentAmplitude();
        FlagClass = new FlagClass();

    public CurrentAmplitude CurrentAmplitude { get; set; }

    public FlagClass FlagClass { get; set; }

关于c# - 使用 json 序列化(反)序列化多个对象时出现 Null 问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57408086/


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