c# - 当我尝试使用 .Include() 进行预加载时,EF Core 是延迟加载

标签 c# entity-framework-core ef-core-2.2

我正在使用 EF Core 2.2.6(数据库优先),似乎只是启用延迟加载让我无法进行预加载。启用延迟加载是否会排除以任何容量使用预加载?

namespace Example.Models
    public class Lead
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public LeadOrganization LeadOrganization { get; set; }

        public Lead(ExampleContext.Data.Lead dbLead)
            Id = dbLead.Id;
            LeadOrganization = new LeadOrganization(dbLead.LeadOrganization);

        public static Lead GetLead(int id)
            using (var db = new ExampleContext())
                var dbLead = db.Leads
                    .Include(l => l.LeadOrganization)
                        .ThenInclude(lo => lo.LeadOrganizationAddresses)
                            .ThenInclude(loa => loa.AddressType)
                    .FirstOrDefault(l => l.Id== id);

                return new Lead(dbLead);
namespace Example.Models
    public class LeadOrganization
        public IEnumerable<LeadOrganizationAddress> Addresses { get; set; }

        public LeadOrganization(ExampleContext.Data.LeadOrganization dbLeadOrganization)
            Addresses = dbLeadOrganization.LeadOrganizationAddresses.Select(loa => new LeadOrganizationAddress(loa));
namespace Example.Models
    public class LeadOrganizationAddress
        public AddressType AddressType { get; set; }

        public LeadOrganizationAddress(ExampleContext.Data.LeadOrganizationAddress dbLeadOrganizationAddress)
            AddressType = new AddressType(dbLeadOrganizationAddress.AddressType);
namespace Example.Models
    public class AddressType
        public short Id { get; set; }

        public AddressType(ExampleContext.Data.AddressType dbAddressType)
            Id = dbAddressType.Id;

ExampleContext.Data 命名空间包含 EF 从数据库生成的分部类。 LeadLeadOrganizationLeadOrganizationAddressAddressType 基本上是 1:1 的类属性,但添加了静态方法(是的,这很奇怪,但这是我必须使用的)。

Lead 有一个 LeadOrganization,LeadOrganization 又至少有一个 LeadOrganizationAddress,而 LeadOrganizationAddress 又有一个 AddressType。

GetLead 调用 Lead 构造函数时,查询中的数据尚未加载,尽管它应该预先加载。这会导致嵌套对象的问题。当它最终到达 LeadOrganizationAddress 构造函数时,DbContext 已被释放,因此无法延迟加载关联的 AddressType




好的,在调查问题后,EF Core 2.x 延迟加载通过代理实现存在问题。相关的跟踪问题是

问题是导航属性急切加载的,但是LazyLoader不知道在处理时 - 无法安全地访问上下文更改跟踪器并且只是抛出异常.相关代码可见here ,在第一行:

if (_disposed)
    Logger.LazyLoadOnDisposedContextWarning(Context, entity, navigationName);

当我读到它时,它应该在 EF Core 3.0 中修复,并带有以下“重大更改”- Lazy-loading proxies no longer assume navigation properties are fully loaded .它还部分解释了当前的问题:

Old behavior

Before EF Core 3.0, once a DbContext was disposed there was no way of knowing if a given navigation property on an entity obtained from that context was fully loaded or not.


  1. 等待 EF Core 3.0 发布
  2. 不要通过代理使用延迟加载
  3. 关闭 lazy loading on disposed context 警告 - 默认为 Throw,将其更改为 LogIgnore,例如:

    optionsBuilder.ConfigureWarnings(warnings => warnings

关于c# - 当我尝试使用 .Include() 进行预加载时,EF Core 是延迟加载,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57664047/


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