c# - 从长摘要中获取前几个单词(纯字符串或 HTML)

标签 c# .net asp.net string

我想使用 c# 从长单词摘要(纯字符串或 html)中获取前几个单词(100 或 200)。

我的要求是显示内容长摘要的简短描述(该内容可能包括html元素)。我能够检索纯字符串,但当它是 html 时,元素会在示例之间剪切,我会这样

<span style="FONT-FAMILY: Trebuchet MS">Heading</span>
</H3><span style="FONT-FAMILY: Trebuchet MS">
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 15px;

但它应该返回包含完整 html 元素的字符串。

我有一个 Yahoo UI 编辑器来从用户那里获取内容,并且我将该文本传递给下面的方法来获取简短的摘要,

public static string GetFirstFewWords(string input, int numberWords)
     if (input.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 
           StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length > numberWords)
            // Number of words we still want to display.
            int words = numberWords;
            // Loop through entire summary.
            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                // Increment words on a space.
                if (input[i] == ' ')
                // If we have no more words to display, return the substring.
                if (words == 0)
                    return input.Substring(0, i);
            return string.Empty;
            return input;



想到有Html Agility Pack听从你的吩咐吗?


// retrieve a summary of html, with no less than 'max' words
string GetSummary(string html, int max)
    string summaryHtml = string.Empty;

    // load our html document
    HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();

    int wordCount = 0;

    foreach (var element in htmlDoc.DocumentNode.ChildNodes)
        // inner text will strip out all html, and give us plain text
        string elementText = element.InnerText;

        // we split by space to get all the words in this element
        string[] elementWords = elementText.Split(new char[] { ' ' });

        // and if we haven't used too many words ...
        if (wordCount <= max)
            // add the *outer* HTML (which will have proper 
            // html formatting for this fragment) to the summary
            summaryHtml += element.OuterHtml;

            wordCount += elementWords.Count() + 1;

    return summaryHtml;

关于c# - 从长摘要中获取前几个单词(纯字符串或 HTML),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1577361/


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