html - 什么是 DOM 回流?

标签 html css dom visibility reflow

我在阅读两个 CSS 属性 display:nonevisibility:hidden 之间的区别时遇到了 DOM reflow 术语。


display: none causes a DOM reflow whereas visibility: hidden does not.


什么是 DOM 重排及其工作原理?


A reflow computes the layout of the page. A reflow on an element recomputes the dimensions and position of the element, and it also triggers further reflows on that element’s children, ancestors and elements that appear after it in the DOM. Then it calls a final repaint. Reflowing is very expensive, but unfortunately it can be triggered easily.

Reflow occurs when you:

  • insert, remove or update an element in the DOM
  • modify content on the page, e.g. the text in an input box
  • move a DOM element
  • animate a DOM element
  • take measurements of an element such as offsetHeight or getComputedStyle
  • change a CSS style
  • change the className of an element
  • add or remove a stylesheet
  • resize the window
  • scroll

更多信息请引用:Repaints and Reflows: Manipulating the DOM responsibly

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