c# - UI 线程未按预期刷新为 WPF 表单

标签 c# wpf

我在此 RelayCommand 中遇到 UI 刷新问题:

private RelayCommand _DeleteReferenceCommand;
public RelayCommand DeleteReferenceCommand
        return _DeleteReferenceCommand ?? (_DeleteReferenceCommand = new RelayCommand(
            () =>
                 //the 2 next lines trigger properties that will modify some components Visibility on the view
                 ReferencesGridWithPicsUC.TextReplacingGridView = "Deleting the reference. Please wait...";
                 ReferencesGridWithPicsUC.GridViewVisibility = false;
                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor; // mouse cursor change

               //using multi-threading so that UI updates while a long process takes place in the background
               Task.Run(() =>
                  Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((new Action(() =>
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); // simulates a long process
                    ReferencesGridWithPicsUC.GridViewVisibility = true; // Sets the UI controls visibility back to previous state
                    System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Hand; // Mouse cursor back to previous value
     () => { return ReferencesGridWithPicsUC.SelectedReference != null; }
具体来说,当我启动应用程序并第一次运行此代码时,它按预期工作(鼠标光标和控件在 sleep (3000)之前按预期更新,然后恢复正常。再次执行代码时,我可以看到该属性已正确更新 GridViewVisibility 。但是 UI 不再刷新:由 GridViewVisibility 更改触发的控件可见性未更新。另一方面,鼠标光标不断按预期更新......



您必须调用调度程序来更新 UI。


await Task.Run(() =>


new RelayCommand(
          async () =>

之后,您将返回 UI 线程,因此不再需要 Dispatcher。

关于c# - UI 线程未按预期刷新为 WPF 表单,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38744387/


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