c# - 使用 Linq 将项目添加到列表

标签 c# linq


public class QuestionData
    property QuestionID int {get; set;}
    property Question String {get; set;}
    property QuestionScore int {get; set;}
    <!---Few More Properties ----!>
public class QuestionInfo
    property QuestionID int {get; set;}
    property Question String {get; set;}
    property QuestionFinalScore int {get; set;}
    property List<QuestionData> ListAchieved {get; set;}


Question | QuestionID | QuestionScore 
    Q1   |      1     |     10
    Q1   |      1     |     20
    Q2   |      2     |     10
    Q2   |      2     |     -5

经过 Linq 中的群组后以及以下 Query

List<QuestionData> FinalSet = // Filled with Data Here
IEnumerable<QuestionInfo> datapoints = from f in FinalSet
    group f by new { f.QuestionID, f.Question } into fGroup
    select new QuestionInfo()
        QuestionID = fGroup.Key.QuestionID
        , Question = fGroup.Key.Question,
        , QuestionFinalScore = fGroup.Sum(g => g.QuestionScore)
        //, ListAchieved = This is where IDK what to do :(


Question | QuestionID | QuestionScore 
    Q1   |      1     |     30
    Q2   |      2     |     5

现在,如果您看到我的类(class) QuestionInfo ,我需要添加全部QuestionData我的问题ListAchieved属性,以便我可以在列表中显示 Question QuestionFinalScore结果就是这样。

任何人都可以指出我需要做什么才能将所有这些项目添加到我的 List<QuestionData> 中属性按 QuestionID 分组和Question



, ListAchieved = fGroup.ToList()


关于c# - 使用 Linq 将项目添加到列表,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39882827/


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