c# - 在 Entity Framework 查询中使用 Func<>

标签 c# linq entity-framework

我有以下 Entity Framework 查询:

Func<Company, bool> filter;
if (officeId != 0)
    filter = company => !company.IsDeleted && company.OfficeCompanies.Any(c => c.OfficeId == officeId);
    filter = company => !company.IsDeleted;

var companies = from c in Repository.Query<Company>()
                where filter(c) &&
                    (relationshipTypes.Count() == 0 || relationshipTypes.Any(r => r == c.TypeEnumIndex)) &&
                orderby c.Description
                select new JqueryUiAutoCompleteItem
                    label = c.Description,
                    value = SqlFunctions.StringConvert((double)c.Id)


The LINQ expression node type 'Invoke' is not supported in LINQ to Entities.

如果我删除查询主体中对 filter() 的引用,则不会出现错误。

我理解这个错误的意思:我正在使用无法转换成SQL的代码。但是我的 filter() 有什么不能转换成 SQL 的?


您需要将 Func 切换为 Expression,然后将该表达式直接传递给 LINQ fluent 语法中的 Where。我认为没有办法在查询语法中使用表达式。

Expression<Func<Company, bool>> filter; //<-- changed type
if (officeId != 0)
    filter = company => !company.IsDeleted && company.OfficeCompanies.Any(c => c.OfficeId == officeId);
    filter = company => !company.IsDeleted;

var companies = from c in Repository.Query<Company>().Where(filter) // <-- changed syntax
                where (relationshipTypes.Count() == 0 || relationshipTypes.Any(r => r == c.TypeEnumIndex)) &&
                orderby c.Description
                select new JqueryUiAutoCompleteItem
                    label = c.Description,
                    value = SqlFunctions.StringConvert((double)c.Id)

关于c# - 在 Entity Framework 查询中使用 Func<>,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25672506/


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