c# - 在程序中实现逻辑时,If else 的更好选择是什么? | C#

标签 c# if-statement methods


问题是我完成这个申请的方式很别扭。例如,请参阅我的 if else 语句,它们并未涵盖决策的各个方面。


private decimal RushesMethod(out decimal radiatorRush_var, out decimal transmissionFlush_var, out decimal both_var)
            radiatorRush_var = 0m;
            transmissionFlush_var = 0m;
            both_var = 0m;

            if (radiatorRushCheckBox.Checked)
                radiatorRush_var = 30.00m;  

            else if (transmissionFlushCheckBox.Checked)
                transmissionFlush_var = 80.00m;  

            else if (radiatorRushCheckBox.Checked && transmissionFlushCheckBox.Checked)
                radiatorRush_var = 30.00m;
                transmissionFlush_var = 80.00m;            
                both_var = radiatorRush_var + transmissionFlush_var;

            return both_var + transmissionFlush_var + radiatorRush_var;


如果用户选择了 radiatorRushCheckBox.Checked 选项和一些其他选项,但不是这个方法,假设 oilChangeCheckBox.Checked 那么我将如何涵盖所有那个决定。为所有人制作 if else 语句太冗长了,因为谁知道用户选择了什么。


enter image description here


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Automative_APP
    public partial class automativeForm : Form
        public automativeForm()

        private void ClearOilLube()

            oilChangeCheckBox.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
            lubeJobCheckBox.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;

        private void ClearFlushes()
            radiatorRushCheckBox.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
            transmissionFlushCheckBox.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;

        private void ClearMisc()
            inspectionCheckBox.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
            replaceMufflerCheckBox.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
            tireRotationCheckBox.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;

        private void ClearOthers()
            partsTextBox.Text = "";
            laborTextBox.Text = "";

        private void ClearFees()
            serviceLaborAnsLabelBox.Text = "";
            partsSummaryAnsLabelBox.Text = "";
            taxPartsAnsLabelBox.Text = "";
            totalFeesAnsLabelBox.Text = "";          

        private decimal TotalCharges()
            decimal rushesVar = RushesMethod();
            decimal oiLAndLubeVar = OilLubeCharges();
            decimal miscVar = MiscMethod();
            decimal partsLaborVar = PartsLaborMethod();
            decimal storeTaxCharges = TaxCharges();
            decimal totalSum;
            decimal totalSum1;

            totalSum1 = (rushesVar + oiLAndLubeVar + miscVar);

            totalSum = (rushesVar + oiLAndLubeVar + miscVar + partsLaborVar);

            partsSummaryAnsLabelBox.Text = partsLaborVar.ToString();

            partsSummaryAnsLabelBox.Text = partsTextBox.Text;

            serviceLaborAnsLabelBox.Text = "Total Services fee is " + " " + totalFeesAnsLabelBox.Text + " " + "and Labor amount is" + " " + laborTextBox.Text;

            taxPartsAnsLabelBox.Text = storeTaxCharges.ToString();

            return totalSum;


        private decimal TaxCharges()
            const decimal PARTS_TAX_VAR = 0.6m;
            decimal storeTax;
            decimal taxCal;

            storeTax = decimal.Parse(partsTextBox.Text);
            taxCal = PARTS_TAX_VAR * storeTax;

            return taxCal;


        private decimal PartsLaborMethod()
            decimal PL=0m;
            decimal labor;
            decimal totalPL = 0m;

            PL = decimal.Parse(partsTextBox.Text);         
            labor = decimal.Parse(laborTextBox.Text);

               totalPL= PL* labor;

               return totalPL;

        private decimal MiscMethod()
            decimal valueTotal2 = 0m;

            if (inspectionCheckBox.Checked && replaceMufflerCheckBox.Checked && tireRotationCheckBox.Checked)
                valueTotal2 += (15.00m + 100.00m + 20.00m);

            else if (inspectionCheckBox.Checked)
                valueTotal2 += 15.00m;

            else if (replaceMufflerCheckBox.Checked)
                valueTotal2 += 100.00m;

            else if (tireRotationCheckBox.Checked)
                valueTotal2 += 20.00m;

            return valueTotal2;


          private decimal RushesMethod()
            decimal valueTotal = 0m;

            if (radiatorRushCheckBox.Checked)
                valueTotal += 30.00m;  

            else if (transmissionFlushCheckBox.Checked)
                valueTotal += 80.00m;  

            else if (radiatorRushCheckBox.Checked && transmissionFlushCheckBox.Checked)

                valueTotal += (80.00m + 30.00m);

            return valueTotal;


        private decimal OilLubeCharges()

            decimal valueTotalOL=0m;

            if (oilChangeCheckBox.Checked && lubeJobCheckBox.Checked)
                valueTotalOL += (26.00m + 18.00m);


            else if (oilChangeCheckBox.Checked)
                valueTotalOL += 26.00m;


            else if (lubeJobCheckBox.Checked)
                valueTotalOL += 18.00m;

            return valueTotalOL;            


        private void partsSummaryLabelBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        private void taxPartsLabelBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        private void exitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Close(); //close the form

        private void calculateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

           decimal totalStore= TotalCharges();

           totalFeesAnsLabelBox.Text = totalStore.ToString();


        private void clearButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)



The application should have the following value-returning methods:
• OilLubeCharges —Returns the total charges for an oil change and/or a lube job, if any.
• FlushCharges —Returns the total charges for a radiator flush and/or a transmission flush, if any.
• MiscCharges —Returns the total charges for an inspection, muffler replacement, and/or a tire rotation, if any.
• OtherCharges —Returns the total charges for other services (parts and labor), if any.
• TaxCharges —Returns the amount of sales tax, if any. Sales tax is 6% and is charged only on parts. If the customer purchases services only, no sales tax is charged.
• TotalCharges —Returns the total charges.
The application should have the following void methods, called when the user clicks the Clear button:
• ClearOilLube —Clears the check boxes for oil change and lube job.
• ClearFlushes —Clears the check boxes for radiator flush and transmission flush.
• ClearMisc —Clears the check boxes for inspection, muffler replacement, and tire rotation.
• ClearOther —Clears the text boxes for parts and labor.
• ClearFees —Clears the labels that display the labels in the section marked Summary  

Finally, I did it by using the @OmegaMan's solution. I wanted to post the changes so that it can help anyone

我对 TotalCharges() 方法进行了更改。比较早期的和这个。

private decimal TotalCharges()

            decimal total = 0.0m;

            if ( inspectionCheckBox.Checked)

            total +=  15.00m;

            if (replaceMufflerCheckBox.Checked)

                total += 100.00m;

            if (tireRotationCheckBox.Checked)

                total += 20.00m;

            if (oilChangeCheckBox.Checked)

                total += 26.00m;

            if (lubeJobCheckBox.Checked)
                total += 18.00m;

            if (radiatorRushCheckBox.Checked)

                total += 30.00m;

            if (transmissionFlushCheckBox.Checked)

                total += 80.00m;

            return total;  


private void calculateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

           decimal totalStore= TotalCharges();
            decimal taxCharge = TaxCharges();

           totalFeesAnsLabelBox.Text = (totalStore + taxCharge).ToString();
            taxPartsAnsLabelBox.Text = taxCharge.ToString();
            partsSummaryAnsLabelBox.Text = partsTextBox.Text;
            serviceLaborAnsLabelBox.Text = "The Total Service charges are" + totalStore + "and Labor is " + laborTextBox.Text;  




public decimal TotalCosts()
    decimal total = 0.0m;

    if ({Oil Changed Checked})
       total += {Oil Cost};

    if ({Transmission checked})
       total += {Transmission total};

    if ({Repair Clutch})         
       total += {Clutch Cost}; // Maybe call a separate method ClutchTotal()?

     ... { Do this for all check boxes }

    return total;

不要尝试将不同的操作单独添加在一起(就像您对 both_var = radiatorRush_var + transmissionFlush_var; 所做的那样,那是您的困惑。



想想一台自动售货机,它必须接受所有不同类型的硬币和美元钞票,并且在提供产品之前它有特定的状态。 通过映射所有状态,然后集中代码来处理每个状态,这将大大减少代码错误和可维护性。

如果向机器中添加一角硬币,状态将从 Welcome 变为汇总当前硬币和美元但不提供产品。在 total > cost 之前,该状态为真,然后 Vend 状态被触发,它会分发产品。在完成 provide any moneys if overpayment 的最后一步之前,它不会返回到 Welcome 状态。


关于c# - 在程序中实现逻辑时,If else 的更好选择是什么? | C#,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38295730/


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