c# - 递归条件 - 最佳实践

标签 c# .net recursion conditional-statements

打破循环的最佳做法是什么? 我的想法是:

Child Find(Parent parent, object criteria)
    Child child = null;

    foreach(Child wannabe in parent.Childs)
        if (wannabe.Match(criteria))
            child = wannabe;
            child = Find(wannabe, criteria);

        if (child != null) break;

    return child;

Child Find(Parent parent, object criteria)
    Child child = null;
    var conditionator = from c in parent.Childs where child != null select c;

    foreach(Child wannabe in conditionator)
        if (wannabe.Match(criteria))
            child = wannabe;
            child = Find(wannabe, criteria);

    return child;

Child Find(Parent parent, object criteria)
    Child child = null;
    var enumerator = parent.Childs.GetEnumerator();

    while(child != null && enumerator.MoveNext())
        if (enumerator.Current.Match(criteria))
            child = wannabe;
            child = Find(wannabe, criteria);

    return child;

你觉得怎么样,有什么更好的主意吗? 我正在寻找最好的解决方案 :D


Linq 可能更简洁,但也更难理解!

    Child Find(Parent parent, object criteria)
        return parent.Childs.Select(        // Loop through the children looking for those that match the following criteria
            c => c.Match(criteria)          // Does this child match the criteria?
                ? c                         // If so, just return this child
                : this.Find(c, criteria)    // If not, try to find it in this child's children
        ).FirstOrDefault();                 // We're only interested in the first child that matches the criteria or null if none found

关于c# - 递归条件 - 最佳实践,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2739337/


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