c# - 引用类型,StringBuilder

标签 c#

我有一个字符串 errMsg 在读取输入文件后打印。验证完成后,如果 success==false 它调用方法 PrintErrorMessage(string)

//First Validation: checks the value of input string realization. 
success = Numerical.Check("Realizations", inputs.realizations.ToString(), out ltester, out errMsg);

//Second Validation: checks the value of the input string diameter.
success = Numerical.Check("Pipe Outside Diameter", inputs.pipeOD.ToString(), out dtester, out errMsg);
if (!success)
    PrintErrorMessage(success, errTitle, sb.ToString());


Streamwriter swpt = new Streamwriter(....);
private void PrintErrorMessage(bool success, string errTitle, string errMsg)
    if (!success)
        swRpt.WriteLine(errTitle + errMsg);

问题是这样的:我可以使用 ref 类型并将其传递到 PrintErrorMessage 函数中,而不是在每次验证后的每一步都附加 StringBuilder 并且将它附加到那里?


Instead of appending the stringbuilder at each an everystep after each validation, can I use a ref type and pass it in the PrintErrorMessage function and append it there

您可以不带 ref 传递它并附加到它。 StringBuilder 是一个引用类型

关于c# - 引用类型,StringBuilder,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9642093/


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