ios - 如何每天不同时间重复本地通知

标签 ios objective-c uilocalnotification

我正在开发一个祈祷应用程序,该应用程序使用户能够为祈祷时间设置警报(本地通知),即用户将应用程序设置为每天通知他进行 Fajr 祈祷,问题是每次祈祷的时间每天都在变化,所以应用程序通知用户的时间在星期四与星期五的时间会有所不同,我需要每天重复本地通知,但根据每天的祈祷时间,请问有人能给我一个主意吗?


对此有几种可能的解决方案。使用一次安排有限数量通知的方法可能更安全,因为 iOS 只保留 64 个最快的通知:

An app can have only a limited number of scheduled notifications; the system keeps the soonest-firing 64 notifications (with automatically rescheduled notifications counting as a single notification) and discards the rest.

来源:UILocalNotification 类引用

依赖于使用传递给 application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:UILocalNotification 也不是一个好主意,因为它仅在用户滑动通知时传递:

Look at the launch options dictionary to determine why your app was launched. The application:willFinishLaunchingWithOptions: and application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: methods provide a dictionary with keys indicating the reason that your app was launched.

启动以响应本地通知的关键值是: UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocalNotificationKey

来源:UIApplicationDelegate 类引用

选项 1:一次安排一天(下面提供了此代码)


使用 CustomNotificationManager 类来处理时间可变的通知(下面提供的代码)。在您的 AppDelegate 中,您可以将本地通知的处理委托(delegate)给此类,它将安排当天的通知加上第二天的固定时间通知,或者响应祈祷通知。


选项 2(稍微精简的方法,但为用户提供的东西较少)



@interface CustomNotificationManager : NSObject

- (void) handleLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *localNotification);



#import "CustomNotificationManager.h"

#define CustomNotificationManager_FirstNotification @"firstNotification"

@implementation CustomNotificationManager

- (instancetype) init
    self = [super init];

    if (self) {


    return self;

- (void) handleLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)localNotification
    //Determine if this is the notification received at a fixed time,
    //  used to trigger the scheculing of today's notifications
    NSDictionary *notificationDict = [localNotification userInfo];
    if (notificationDict[CustomNotificationManager_FirstNotification]) {
        //TODO: use custom algorithm to create notification times, using today's date and location
        //Replace this line with use of algorithm
        NSArray *notificationTimes = [NSArray new];

        [self scheduleLocalNotifications:notificationTimes];
    } else {
        //Handle a prayer notification


 * Schedule local notifications for each time in the notificationTimes array.
 * notificationTimes must be an array of NSTimeInterval values, set as intervalas
 * since 1970.
- (void) scheduleLocalNotifications:(NSArray *)notificationTimes
    for (NSNumber *notificationTime in notificationTimes) {
        //Optional: create the user info for this notification
        NSDictionary *userInfo = @{};

        //Create the local notification
        UILocalNotification *localNotification = [self createLocalNotificationWithFireTimeInterval:notificationTime
                                                                                         alertBody:@"It is time for your next prayer."

        //Schedule the notification on the device
        [[UIApplication sharedApplication] scheduleLocalNotification:localNotification];

    /* Schedule a notification for the following day, to come before all other notifications.
     * This notification will trigger the app to schedule notifications, when
     * the app is opened.

    //Set a flag in the user info, to set a flag to let the app know that it needs to schedule notifications
    NSDictionary *userInfo = @{ CustomNotificationManager_FirstNotification : @1 };

    NSNumber *firstNotificationTimeInterval = [self firstNotificationTimeInterval];

    UILocalNotification *firstNotification = [self createLocalNotificationWithFireTimeInterval:firstNotificationTimeInterval
                                                                                     alertBody:@"View your prayer times for today."

    //Schedule the notification on the device
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] scheduleLocalNotification:firstNotification];

- (UILocalNotification *) createLocalNotificationWithFireTimeInterval:(NSNumber *)fireTimeInterval
                                                    alertAction:(NSString *)alertAction
                                                    alertBody:(NSString *)alertBody
                                                     userInfo:(NSDictionary *)userInfo

    UILocalNotification *localNotification = [[UILocalNotification alloc] init];
    if (!localNotification) {
        NSLog(@"Could not create a local notification.");
        return nil;

    //Set the delivery date and time of the notification
    long long notificationTime = [fireTimeInterval longLongValue];
    NSDate *notificationDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:notificationTime];
    localNotification.fireDate = notificationDate;

    //Set the slider button text
    localNotification.alertAction = alertAction;

    //Set the alert body of the notification
    localNotification.alertBody = alertBody;

    //Set any userInfo, e.g. userID etc. (Useful for app with multi-user signin)
    //The userInfo is read in the AppDelegate, via application:didReceiveLocalNotification:
    localNotification.userInfo = userInfo;

    //Set the timezone, to allow for adjustment for when the user is traveling
    localNotification.timeZone = [NSTimeZone localTimeZone];

    return localNotification;

 * Calculate and return a number with an NSTimeInterval for the fixed daily
 * notification time.
- (NSNumber *) firstNotificationTimeInterval
    //Create a Gregorian calendar
    NSCalendar *cal = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian];

    //Date components for next day
    NSDateComponents *dateComps = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init]; = 1;

    //Get a date for tomorrow, same time
    NSDate *today = [NSDate date];
    NSDate *tomorrow = [cal dateByAddingComponents:dateComps toDate:today options:0];

    //Date components for the date elements to be preserved, when we change the hour
    NSDateComponents *preservedComps = [cal components:(NSCalendarUnitYear | NSCalendarUnitMonth | NSCalendarUnitDay) fromDate:tomorrow];
    preservedComps.hour = 5;
    tomorrow = [cal dateFromComponents:preservedComps];

    NSTimeInterval notificationTimeInterval = [tomorrow timeIntervalSince1970];

    NSNumber *notificationTimeIntervalNum = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:notificationTimeInterval];

    return notificationTimeIntervalNum;


AppDelegate didReceiveLocalNotification 实现

- (void) application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)notification
    CustomNotificationManager *notificationManager = [[CustomNotificationManager alloc] init];
    [notificationManager handleLocalNotification:notification];

可能的修改建议:如果 CustomNotificationManager 需要保持状态,您可以将其转换为 Singleton。

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