c# - 在不对字段或方向进行硬编码的情况下订购列表

标签 c# .net

我有一个 ObservableCollection,我想对它进行排序,但我想创建一个新的排序副本。

有很多关于如何使用漂亮的 lambda 表达式或使用 LINQ 对列表进行排序的示例,但我无法将要排序的字段硬编码到代码中。

我有一个 NSSortDescription 数组,它的工作方式有点像 SortDescription。有一个包含属性名称的 string,但方向由 bool 指定(true = ascending)。数组中的第一个值应该是主要排序字段,当该字段中的值匹配时,应该使用第二个排序描述符,依此类推。


Artist: Bob Marley, Title: No Woman No Cry
Artist: Bob Marley, Title: Could You Be Loved
Artist: Infected Mushroom, Title: Converting Vegetarians
Artist: Bob Marley, Title: One Love
Artist: Chemical Brothers, Title: Do It Again



Artist: Infected Mushroom, Title: Converting Vegetarians
Artist: Chemical Brothers, Title: Do It Again
Artist: Bob Marley, Title: Could You Be Loved
Artist: Bob Marley, Title: No Woman No Cry
Artist: Bob Marley, Title: One Love



更新:将 Sort 更改为 OrderBy,因为 Sort 是不稳定的排序算法

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace PNS
    public class SortableList<T> : List<T>
        private string _propertyName;
        private bool _ascending;

        public void Sort(string propertyName, bool ascending)
            //Flip the properties if the parameters are the same
            if (_propertyName == propertyName && _ascending == ascending)
                _ascending = !ascending;
            //Else, new properties are set with the new values
                _propertyName = propertyName;
                _ascending = ascending;

            PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(T));
            PropertyDescriptor propertyDesc = properties.Find(propertyName, true);

            // Apply and set the sort, if items to sort
            PropertyComparer<T> pc = new PropertyComparer<T>(propertyDesc, (_ascending) ? ListSortDirection.Ascending : ListSortDirection.Descending);
            //this.Sort(pc); UNSTABLE SORT ALGORITHM
            this.OrderBy(t=>t, pc);

    public class PropertyComparer<T> : System.Collections.Generic.IComparer<T>

        // The following code contains code implemented by Rockford Lhotka:
        // http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnadvnet/html/vbnet01272004.asp

        private PropertyDescriptor _property;
        private ListSortDirection _direction;

        public PropertyComparer(PropertyDescriptor property, ListSortDirection direction)
            _property = property;
            _direction = direction;

        public int Compare(T xWord, T yWord)
            // Get property values
            object xValue = GetPropertyValue(xWord, _property.Name);
            object yValue = GetPropertyValue(yWord, _property.Name);

            // Determine sort order
            if (_direction == ListSortDirection.Ascending)
                return CompareAscending(xValue, yValue);
                return CompareDescending(xValue, yValue);

        public bool Equals(T xWord, T yWord)
            return xWord.Equals(yWord);

        public int GetHashCode(T obj)
            return obj.GetHashCode();

        // Compare two property values of any type
        private int CompareAscending(object xValue, object yValue)
            int result;

            if (xValue == null && yValue != null) return -1;
            if (yValue == null && xValue != null) return 1;
            if (xValue == null && yValue == null) return 0;
            // If values implement IComparer
            if (xValue is IComparable)
                result = ((IComparable)xValue).CompareTo(yValue);
            // If values don't implement IComparer but are equivalent
            else if (xValue.Equals(yValue))
                result = 0;
            // Values don't implement IComparer and are not equivalent, so compare as string values
            else result = xValue.ToString().CompareTo(yValue.ToString());

            // Return result
            return result;

        private int CompareDescending(object xValue, object yValue)
            // Return result adjusted for ascending or descending sort order ie
            // multiplied by 1 for ascending or -1 for descending
            return CompareAscending(xValue, yValue) * -1;

        private object GetPropertyValue(T value, string property)
            // Get property
            PropertyInfo propertyInfo = value.GetType().GetProperty(property);

            // Return value
            return propertyInfo.GetValue(value, null);

关于c# - 在不对字段或方向进行硬编码的情况下订购列表,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17912479/


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