c# - "Primary Constructor Body Is Not Allowed"错误

标签 c# error-handling

我的代码中出现错误“不允许使用主构造函数主体”,而且似乎找不到修复它的方法。错误发生是因为我创建了一个新的公共(public)方法,我也尝试使用私有(private)和 protected 方法,但错误仍然存​​在。这里还有其他人问了同样的问题 question .这个人得到的答案让我相信它可能是 OS X 特有的。 这是我的代码:

        string txt = WordBank ();

        string[] words = Moduel.TextToArray("Text.txt");
        string compWord = Moduel.Random (words);    
        Console.WriteLine ("I have chosen a random word, try to guess it one letter at a time");

    public static void WordBank ();
        string txt;

        Console.WriteLine ("Would you like to " +
            "(A) choose 4 letter words " +
            "(B) choose 5 letter words " +
            "(C) choose 6 letter words " +
            "(E) choose 7 lette r words or more?" +
            "(F) all words?");

        string input = Console.ReadLine ();
        if (input = "A")
            txt = "4 Letter Words.txt";
        else if (input = "B")
            txt = "5 Letter Words.txt";
        else if (input = "C")
            txt = "6 Letter Words.txt";
        else if (input = "E")
            txt = "7 Letters or More.txt";
        else if (input = "F")
            txt = "All Words.txt";
            Console.WriteLine("You haven't chosen a valid option, please try again");
        return txt;

这是错误的图片。 Error Message.



public static void WordBank ();


public static void WordBank ()


public static string WordBank ()

关于c# - "Primary Constructor Body Is Not Allowed"错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34389117/


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