c# - C# Dictionary 中的 KeyNotFoundException 在根据什么更改属性值后,计算 GetHashCode。为什么?

标签 c# dictionary hash


            static void Main(string[] args)
    // Create Dictionary
                var dict = new Dictionary<TestClass, ValueClass>();

    // Add data to dictionary

    // Create a List
                var list = new List<TestClass>();
                foreach(var kv in dict) {
    // Swap property values for each Key
    // For example Key with property value 1 will become 6
    // and 6 will become 1
                    kv.Key.MyProperty = 6 - kv.Key.MyProperty + 1;

    // Add the Key to the List

// Try to print dictionary and received KeyNotFoundException.
                foreach (var k in list)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{dict[k].MyProperty} - {k.MyProperty}");

    static void CreateSomeData(Dictionary<TestClass, ValueClass> dictionary) {
        dictionary.Add(new TestClass {MyProperty = 1}, new ValueClass {MyProperty = 1});
        dictionary.Add(new TestClass {MyProperty = 2}, new ValueClass {MyProperty = 2});
        dictionary.Add(new TestClass {MyProperty = 3}, new ValueClass {MyProperty = 3});
        dictionary.Add(new TestClass {MyProperty = 4}, new ValueClass {MyProperty = 4});
        dictionary.Add(new TestClass {MyProperty = 5}, new ValueClass {MyProperty = 5});
        dictionary.Add(new TestClass {MyProperty = 6}, new ValueClass {MyProperty = 6});


namespace HashDictionaryTest
    public class TestClass
        public int MyProperty { get; set; }

        public override int GetHashCode() {
            return MyProperty;


namespace HashDictionaryTest
    public class ValueClass
        public int MyProperty { get; set; }

        public override int GetHashCode() {
            return MyProperty;


我在 Ubuntu 上使用 dotnet core 2.2。我只是出于好奇而做了这个测试。然而,令我惊讶的是,我遇到了 KeyNotFoundException


我想知道的是,为什么会出现这个错误?生成 HashCode 的最佳做法是什么,以便我们可以避免此类问题?


What I want to know is, why we got this error?

GetHashCode 有指南,也有规则。如果您违反准则,您将获得糟糕的表现。如果您违反了规则,事情就会破裂。

你违反了规则。 GetHashCode 的规则之一是当一个对象在字典中时,它的散列码不能改变。另一个规则是相同的对象必须有相同的散列码


What is the best practice in generating the HashCode so that we can avoid such issues?



关于c# - C# Dictionary 中的 KeyNotFoundException 在根据什么更改属性值后,计算 GetHashCode。为什么?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54509316/


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