c# - 确定枚举中缺少哪些标志

标签 c# .net


public enum NotifyType

    None = 0,
    Window = 1 << 0,
    Sound = 1 << 1,
    Flash = 1 << 2,
    MobileSound = 1 << 3,
    MobilePush = 1 << 4


var myenums = Window | Sound | Flash;

//var possibleUpdate = Window | MobilePush;

void UpdateMyEnums(NotifyType possibleUpdate)
    //Does myenums contain all the flags in 'possibleUpdate'?  If not add
    //the missing flags to myenums


possibleUpdate 相比,如何确定 myenums 变量不包含 NotifyType.MobilePush 值?我是否必须针对 myenums 测试 possibleUpdate 中的每个标志?

我在 .NET 4.0 上使用 C#


if (myenums & possibleUpdate != possibleUpdate)
    //not a possible update

要获取 myenums 中不需要的标志:

NotifyType missing = (~(myenums ^ wanted) ^ wanted) & (myenums | wanted);

关于c# - 确定枚举中缺少哪些标志,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18323031/


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