ios - 为什么需要为每个线程创建 ABAddressbookRef?

标签 ios thread-safety abaddressbook


Important: Instances of ABAddressBookRef can not be used by multiple threads. Each thread must make its own instance.






我不明白的是,为什么需要为每个线程创建像 ABAddressbookRef 这样的对象?为什么苹果会说这样的话?如果只是线程不安全,Apple可以说是线程不安全,处理时要小心。但是为什么需要为每个线程创建一个呢?有什么我不知道的原因吗?

ABAddressbookRef 的实现是否依赖于创建它的线程?

PS:我记得 Core Data 还说需要为每个使用它的线程创建 ManagedObjectContext。


为了结束猜测,我使用付费支持向 Apple 询问有关 ABAddressBookRef 和多线程的明确答案。


There has been a lot of speculation on the matter and I decided I would like to ask for a definite answer from an engineer who is well aware of the implementation details of ABAddressBook Framework.

The documentation states: Important Instances of ABAddressBookRef cannot be used by multiple threads. Each thread must make its own instance.

If I take this literally, it means that ABAddressBookRef must be created in each block even with GCD serial queues since GCD does not give any guarantees about threads beside the global main thread.

I want to ask if this is literally how it is meant, OR, is it enough to ensure that no two threads are accessing the same ABAddressBookRef at the same time at any moment which GCD private serial queue does guarantee.

这是我从 Apple 得到的返回。

Thank you for contacting Apple Worldwide Developer Technical Support. I am responding to let you know that I have received your request for technical assistance. That is correct. This is because an address book object should never cross thread boundaries. As such, each block must have its own instance.


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