c# - 问号在 C# 代码中意味着什么?

标签 c# operators


 return isTrue ? "Valid" : "Lie";
 return myObject ?? yourObject;
 int? universalAnswer = 42;


 public static Delegate? Combine(params Delegate?[]? delegates)...
 string? value = "bob";



问号在 C# 中根据上下文有不同的含义。

空条件运算符(MSDNWhat does the question mark in member access mean in C#?)


条件运算符/三元运算符(MSDNBenefits of using the conditional ?: (ternary) operator)

return isTrue ? "Valid" : "Lie";

空合并运算符(MSDNWhat do two question marks together mean in C#?)

return myObject ?? yourObject;

可空值类型(MSDNWhat is the purpose of a question mark after a type (for example: int? myVariable)?)

int? universalAnswer = 42;

可为空的引用类型 C# 8 添加了可为空的引用类型以及更多选项来添加问号(它还提供了放置解释标记的新位置 - null!是一个 null-forgiving operator ):

可为 Null 的字符串(请记住 string 是引用类型,其行为类似于值类型):

string? value = "bob"; 

可空引用对象的可空数组 - What is the ?[]? syntax in C#?

public static Delegate? Combine(Delegate?[]? delegates)

关于c# - 问号在 C# 代码中意味着什么?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43075113/


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