c# - 为技能使用添加冷却时间

标签 c# xna xna-4.0

所以我创建了一个打砖 block 桨,它基本上可以通过模拟摇杆左右移动。

if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).ThumbSticks.Left.X == -1.0f)
    // Player one has pressed the left thumbstick up.
    Position.X = Position.X - (5 + speedup1);

if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).ThumbSticks.Left.X == 1.0f)
    // Player one has pressed the left thumbstick up.
    Position.X = Position.X + (5 + speedup1);

speedup1 是一个设置为零的初始整数值,当 Player 按下右触发器时,它会将值设置为 5,从而提高桨的速度。

if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Triggers.Right > 0)
    speedup1 = 5;

我想做的是在按下触发器后,speedup1 的值在设定的时间间隔后返回到 0,并且玩家无法再次更改它设置时间间隔。




Now imagine a cooldown for something in game. The player pressed "a", some cool action happened and although he may press "a" again, nothing will happen for the next 5 seconds. But the game still runs and does all the other things that may happen ingame. This is not a conventional timer. It's a variable, lets call it ActionCooldown, and once the player triggers the action, it's set to 5 seconds. Every time the world changes, the timePassed is subtracted from that number until it's zero. All the time, the game is running and handling input and rendering. But only once ActionCooldown hits zero, another press of "a" will trigger that action again.

引自here .


关于c# - 为技能使用添加冷却时间,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20064670/


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