c# - 在 C# Word Interop 中调用命令 Document.BeforeSave

标签 c# ms-word interop ms-office vsto

在我使用 VSTO 创建的 C# 互操作插件中,我订阅了 Document.BeforeSave事件。然而,另一个 MS Word 插件在我们客户的计算机上处​​于事件状态,也订阅了这个完全相同的事件。

第三方插件取消默认的 Word SaveAsDialog 并显示其自己的自定义 SaveAsDialog(它是一个 DMS 对话框)。 我们的用例是我们想要显示我们自己的 SaveAsDialog 并覆盖第三方的行为。

Document.BeforeSave 事件的调用顺序似乎是任意的。有时先调用我们的订阅者,有时先调用第三方插件。




private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
    Application.DocumentOpen += Application_DocumentOpen;

void Application_DocumentOpen(Word.Document Doc) {
    Application.DocumentBeforeSave += Application_DocumentBeforeSave;
    var handler = new Word.ApplicationEvents2_DocumentBeforeSaveEventHandler(Application_DocumentBeforeSave);
    MulticastDelegate multicastDelegate = handler;
    var subscribers = handler.GetInvocationList();
    for (int i = 0; i < handler.GetInvocationList().Count(); i++) {
        Delegate.RemoveAll(multicastDelegate, subscribers[i]);
    Application.DocumentBeforeSave += Application_DocumentBeforeSave2;
    Application.DocumentBeforeSave += Application_DocumentBeforeSave;

void Application_DocumentBeforeSave(Word.Document Doc, ref bool SaveAsUI, ref bool Cancel) {
    MessageBox.Show("Save 1");

void Application_DocumentBeforeSave2(Word.Document Doc, ref bool SaveAsUI, ref bool Cancel) {
    MessageBox.Show("Save 2");

这并没有达到让 2 个消息框连续显示“2”然后显示“1”的预期效果。相反,它显示“1”、“2”、“1”。

编辑 2:此代码按预期工作:

public class HasEvents {
    public delegate void WoeiHandler();
    public event WoeiHandler Woei;

    public void OnWoei() {

public class Program {

    static void Main(string[] args) {
        HasEvents hasEvents = new HasEvents();
        hasEvents.Woei += () => Console.WriteLine("ShortVersion");
        hasEvents.Woei += Program_Woei;
        BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;
        FieldInfo field = hasEvents.GetType().GetField("Woei", bindingFlags);
        MulticastDelegate multicastDelegate = (MulticastDelegate)field.GetValue(hasEvents);
        Delegate[] subscribers = multicastDelegate.GetInvocationList();

        Delegate current = multicastDelegate;
        for (int i = 0; i < subscribers.Length; i++) {
            current = Delegate.RemoveAll(current, subscribers[i]);
        Delegate[] newSubscriptions = new Delegate[subscribers.Length + 1];
        newSubscriptions[0] = new HasEvents.WoeiHandler(Program_Woei_First);
        Array.Copy(subscribers, 0, newSubscriptions, 1, subscribers.Length);
        current = Delegate.Combine(newSubscriptions);
        field.SetValue(hasEvents, current);

    static void Program_Woei() {

    static void Program_Woei_First() {



更新:It does not seem possible as per Jon Skeet (除了可能在 WPF 中,但肯定不在 Winforms 或加载项中)

我看到它完成的唯一方法是更改​​其他加载项的 LoadBehavior 注册表项。

另一个实验是尝试实现 System.ComponentModel.Component 并遵循此 answer .


这是我对 Excel 的一次尝试:

Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Workbook vstoDoc = Globals.Factory.GetVstoObject(this.Application.ActiveWorkbook);
WorkbookEvents_BeforeSaveEventHandler handler = vstoDoc.BeforeSave;

for (int i = 0; i < handler.GetInvocationList().Length; i++)
  vstoDoc.BeforeSave -= new Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.SaveEventHandler(ThisDocument_BeforeSave);
catch { } //may raise exception if a handler is not attached.

Word 比较棘手(再次编译但我没有测试它, here is where I got the idea from 我不确定它是否有效):

var handler = new ApplicationEvents2_DocumentBeforeSaveEventHandler(Target); 

for (int i = 0; i < handler.GetInvocationList().Length; i++)
        vstoDoc.GetVstoObject().BeforeSave -= new Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.SaveEventHandler((o, args) => { });
    catch { } //may raise exception if a handler is not attached.


private void Target(Document doc, ref bool saveAsUi, ref bool cancel)
throw new NotImplementedException();

编辑:我很想知道为什么同样的 Office 对象模型在 word 中不起作用,但在 Excel 中编译:

Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Document vstoDoc = Globals.Factory.GetVstoObject(this.Application.ActiveDocument);
ApplicationEvents2_DocumentBeforeSaveEventHandler handler = vstoDoc.BeforeSave;
for (int i = 0; i < handler.GetInvocationList().Length; i++)
        vstoDoc.BeforeSave -= new Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.SaveEventHandler(ThisDocument_BeforeSave);
    } //may raise exception if a handler is not attached.

无论如何,想法/Hack/等等是,一旦您取消订阅所有其他加载项以收听 BeforeSave 事件,那么您就可以分配您的加载项的 BeforeSave 事件,因此它是唯一触发的事件。

注意:您需要以 .Net 4.0 为目标,因为 Globals 中的 Factory。Factory 在 3.5 中不可用。

关于c# - 在 C# Word Interop 中调用命令 Document.BeforeSave,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26586026/


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