ios - iTunesConnection 中的促销文字和副标题是什么?

标签 ios app-store-connect itunes-store

Promotional Text 和 Subtitle 是 iOS 11.0 或更高版本中可用的 iTuneconnection 中的新功能。副标题是可选的。但是没有提到促销文本是可选的。我们需要将哪些文本写为促销文本。是仅适用于当前应用还是使用同一开发者帐户的任何其他应用?




Your app’s promotional text appears at the top of the description and is limited to 170 characters. You can update it at any time without having to submit a new version of your app. Consider using promotional text to share the latest news about your app, which can include new promotions for your app or in-app purchases, upcoming features or content, limited- time sales, or other events within your app.

有关更多信息,您可以获取应用商店 product pagehere also

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