c# - Winforms - 自动完成文本框不显示结果

标签 c# winforms

我正在尝试在 WinForm 中实现搜索建议。我在表单上放置了一个 TextBox;将 AutoCompleteMode 设置为 SuggestAppend; AutoCompleteSource 作为 CustomSource;

我已经在文本框上实现了 TextChanged 以获取结果并添加到 AutoCompleteCustomeSource 属性。如果我调试,我可以在此属性中看到结果,但 UI 未显示任何结果。我的代码在这里:

private void txtSearchKey_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        AutoCompleteStringCollection searchSuggestions = new AutoCompleteStringCollection();
        // Clear current source without calling Clear()
        for (int i = 0; i < txtSearchKey.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Count; i++)

        if (txtSearchKey.Text.Length >= 3)
            var filteredSearchText = String.Join(",", txtSearchKey.Text.Split(' ').Where(x => x.Length > 2));

            //The below method retrieves the DataTable of results
            var searchResults = MyMethodFetchesResults(filteredSearchText);

            if (searchResults.Rows.Count == 0)
                searchSuggestions.Add("No result found");
                foreach (DataRow searchResult in searchResults.Rows)

        txtSearchKey.AutoCompleteCustomSource = searchSuggestions;



您不应该尝试自己实现它;工作已经完成了。删除 TextChanged 的整个处理程序并重新开始;您需要做的就是设置 AutoCompleteCustomSource,它会处理剩下的事情。

MyMethodFetchesResults 的签名更改为不带参数,然后从 Load() 或您初始化表单的任何位置调用此方法:

private void LoadAutoCompleteList()
            DataTable d = MyMethodFetchesResults();
            AutoCompleteStringCollection s = new AutoCompleteStringCollection();

            foreach (DataRow row in d.Rows)

            txtSearchKey.AutoCompleteCustomSource = s;

关于c# - Winforms - 自动完成文本框不显示结果,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32055059/


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