c# - EF MVC4 C# : Many to Many Relationship with "relationship property" DB First

标签 c# entity-framework asp.net-mvc-4 foreign-keys many-to-many

过去几天我一直在努力解决我的问题,遗憾的是没有任何结果。我已经在这里阅读了无数关于这个主题的帖子,但我一直遇到同样的错误。 “'字段列表'中的未知列'Extent1.foo_id'”......我做错了什么?我的映射一定是错误的,但我看不出如何...




  public class Foo

        public Foo()
            this.FooBoo = new Collection<FooBoo>();

        public String FooId { get; set; }        
        public virtual ICollection<FooBoo> FooBoo { get; set; }


         public class Boo

            public Boo()
                this.FooBoo = new Collection<FooBoo>();    

                    public String BooId { get; set; }    
                    public virtual ICollection<FooBoo> FooBoo { get; set; }  

         public class FooBoo
                public String Fooid { get; set; }

                public virtual Foo Foo { get; set; }

                public String Booid { get; set; }        

                public virtual Boo Boo { get; set; } 

                public Boolean RandomProperty { get; set; }       


         public class BooMapper : EntityTypeConfiguration<Boo>

                public BooMapper()

                    this.HasKey(t => t.BooId);

                    this.Property(t => t.BooId).HasColumnName("booid");

            this.ToTable("boo", "fooboodb");

                    this.HasMany(t => t.FooBoo)
                        .HasForeignKey(t => t.Booid);

         public class FooMapper : EntityTypeConfiguration<Foo>

                public FooMapper()

                    this.HasKey(t => t.FooId);

                    this.Property(t => t.FooId).HasColumnName("fooid");
            this.ToTable("foo", "fooboodb");

                    this.HasMany(t => t.FooBoo)
                        .HasForeignKey(t => t.Booid);

         public class FooBooMapper : EntityTypeConfiguration<FooBoo>
            public FooBooMapper()

                this.HasKey(t => new {t.Fooid, t.Booid});

                this.Property(t => t.Fooid);

                this.Property(t => t.Booid);

                this.Property(t => t.RandomProperty);

                this.ToTable("fooboo", "fooboodb");
                this.Property(t => t.Fooid).HasColumnName("Fooid"); 
                this.Property(t => t.Booid).HasColumnName("Booid");
                this.Property(t => t.RandomProperty).HasColumnName("randomproperty");




您必须为两个 WithRequired 调用提供一个 lambda 表达式,以便指定反向导航属性。否则 EF 将假定它们属于另一个附加关系,这导致这些外键带有下划线:

public class BooMapper : EntityTypeConfiguration<Boo>
    public BooMapper()

        this.HasMany(t => t.FooBoo)
            .WithRequired(fb => fb.Boo)
            .HasForeignKey(t => t.Booid);

public class FooMapper : EntityTypeConfiguration<Foo>
    public FooMapper()

        this.HasMany(t => t.FooBoo)
            .WithRequired(fb => fb.Foo)
            .HasForeignKey(t => t.Booid);

关于c# - EF MVC4 C# : Many to Many Relationship with "relationship property" DB First,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18165442/


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