ios - objective-C : Weak attritube don't work as expected

标签 ios weak-references strong-references


Possible Duplicate:
Why do weak NSString properties not get released in iOS?

我是 Objective C 的新手,我有一些我自己无法回答的问题。 我有一段代码用于测试 __weak 变量(当然我使用的是 ARC):

NSString *myString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"John"];
NSString * __weak weakString = myString;
myString = nil; //<-- release the NSString object
NSLog(@"string: %@", weakString);

上面代码的输出符合预期,因为 weakString 是一个弱变量:

2013-01-02 11:42:27.481 ConsoleApp[836:303] string: (null)


NSString *myString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"John"];
NSString * __weak weakString = myString;
NSLog(@"Before: %@", weakString); //<--- output to see if the __weak variable really works.
myString = nil;
NSLog(@"After: %@", weakString);


2013-01-02 11:46:03.790 ConsoleApp[863:303] Before: John
2013-01-02 11:46:03.792 ConsoleApp[863:303] After: John

后者的 NSLog 的输出一定是 (nil) 而不是“John”。我尝试在许多文档中进行搜索,但没有找到此案例的答案。 有人可以给出合理的解释吗?提前致谢。


NSLog 函数将传递的 NSString 保留在自动释放池中。因此,在自动释放池耗尽之前,归零弱变量不会被归零。例如:

__weak NSString* weakString = nil;

@autoreleasepool {
    NSString* myString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"Foo"]; // Retain count 1
    weakString = myString;         // Retain count 1
    NSLog(@"A: %@", weakString);   // Retain count 2
    NSLog(@"B: %@", weakString);   // Retain count 3
    myString = nil;                // Retain count 2
    NSLog(@"C: %@", weakString);   // Retain count 3

    NSAssert(weakString != nil, @"weakString is kept alive by the autorelease pool");

// retain count 0
NSAssert(weakString == nil, @"Autorelease pool has drained.");

为什么 NSLog 将字符串放入自动释放池中?这是一个实现细节。

您可以使用调试器或 Instruments 来跟踪 NSString 实例的保留计数。确切的保留计数并不重要,但它确实揭示了幕后发生的事情。重要的是当自动释放池被耗尽时,NSString 实例被释放。

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