c# - 如何(单元)测试弱引用列表的内存管理功能?

标签 c# unit-testing memory-management garbage-collection nunit


我有一个 WeakList<T>类,它“基本上”是一个 List<WeakReference<T>> (虽然不是字面意义上的派生自列表,但它应该对用户完全透明)。

现在的基本思想是“如果引用的变量消失,项目将被忽略”,即 WeakList<T> 的一部分来源是:

public class WeakList<T> : IReadOnlyList<T>, IWeakList<T>, IWeakCollection<T>, IReadOnlyCollection<T>,
    ICollection<T>, IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable where T : class
    private readonly List<WeakReference<T>> _myList;
    public void Add(T item) {
        _myList.Add(new WeakReference<T>(item));
    IEnumerator<T> IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator() {
        foreach (var reference in _myList) {
            T elem;
            if (reference.TryGetTarget(out elem)) {
                yield return elem;

我还在考虑是否List实际上在这里是有道理的, weaklist[n] 并不总是与通过迭代到第 n 个元素得到它一样。 - 对于有顺序但没有基于索引的访问的东西是否有集合名称?

但除此之外: 此类还包括一个“清除”功能,旨在“删除不再存在的引用”。

    public void Purge() {
        for (int i = _myList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            T elem;
            if (!_myList[i].TryGetTarget(out elem)) {

现在我的问题是:如何在单元测试(对于 Nunit)中测试上述方法?我如何设置一个列表,然后确保删除了一些元素,然后调用清除并测试它,例如:

public class WeakListTests
    public static void PurgeTest() {
        var myList = new WeakList<string>;
        string s1 = "hello world 1";
        string s2 = "hello world 2";
        string s3 = "hello world 3";
        // "clear", force s1 & s2 away. (yet keep a reference so I can test it gets removed)
        Assert.That(myList, Does.Not.Contain(s1));
        Assert.That(myList, Does.Not.Contain(s2));
        Assert.That(myList, Does.Contain(s3));





public class WeakListTests
    public static void PurgeTest()
        var myList = new WeakList<string>();
        // construct strings like this to prevent interning
        string s1 = new string(new[] { 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' });
        string s2 = new string(new[] { 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '2' });
        // this string can be interned, we don't want it to be collected anyway
        string s3 = "hello world 3";            
        // set to null for that to work even in application built with "Debug"
        // in Release it will work without setting to null
        s1 = null;
        s2 = null;
        // force GC collection
        GC.Collect(2, GCCollectionMode.Forced);            
        // now s1 and s2 are away
        // invoke your enumerator
        var left = myList.ToArray();            
        // should contain 1 item and that item should be s3
        Assert.That(left.Length == 1);
        Assert.AreEqual(s3, left[0]);            

关于c# - 如何(单元)测试弱引用列表的内存管理功能?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42886982/


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