c# - Xamarin 电子书阅读器的页面导航架构

标签 c# xamarin xamarin.forms

我开发了 Xamarin 电子书阅读器。我想请您提供有关页面导航架构的建议。我的应用程序包括包含书籍列表的主页、包含特定书籍章节的页面、显示页面文本的页面。

我的主页是继承自 ContentPage 的自定义页面。

/// <summary>
    /// The home page of the application.
    /// </summary>
    public class MainPage : ContentPage
        private readonly StackLayout panel;

        /// <summary>
        /// The collection of books.
        /// </summary>
        private IEnumerable<EpubBook> books;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize an instance of the <see cref="MainPage"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="books">The collection of books.</param>
        public MainPage(IEnumerable<EpubBook> books)
            this.Title = "Main page";
            this.books = books;
            this.panel = new StackLayout();

            foreach (EpubBook book in this.books)
                OpenBookButton openBookButton = new OpenBookButton(book)
                    Text = $"Title: {book.Title}"

                openBookButton.Clicked += OnClickOpenBookButton;

            this.Content = new ScrollView
                Content = this.panel,
                Orientation = ScrollOrientation.Vertical

        private async void OnClickOpenBookButton(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenBookButton button = (OpenBookButton) sender;
            BookContentPage bookContentPage = new BookContentPage(button.Book.Chapters);
await this.Navigation.PushAsync(bookContentPage);


public class BookContentPage : ContentPage
        private readonly StackLayout panel;

        public BookContentPage(List<EpubChapter> chapters)
            this.Title = "Content page";
            this.panel = new StackLayout();

            foreach (EpubChapter chapter in chapters)
                this.WriteChapter(chapter, panel);

            this.Content = new ScrollView
                Content = panel

        private void WriteChapter(EpubChapter epubChapter, Layout<View> layout)
            // create buttons which have a text which displays the name of the chapter

        private void OnClickOpenBookChapterButton(object sender, EventArgs args)
            OpenBookChapterButton button = (OpenBookChapterButton) sender;
            BookTextPage bookTextPage = new BookTextPage(button.Chapter);

            // I want to split bookTextPage to few little screen pages in the future


毕竟我想将书的文本拆分为页面并创建将包含所有这些页面的 CarouselPage。你觉得我开发这个应用程序怎么样?我是 Xamarin.Forms 的新手。我走的路对吗?我做错了什么,我的方法应该解决什么问题?


CarouselPage 很快就会被弃用,因此您需要切换到 CarouselView .使用此控件,页面架构将相当简单。

为您拥有的图书列表创建一个 ContentPage。然后,当您单击一个时,转到另一个 ContentPage,里面有一个 CarouselView。这将绑定(bind)到您书中的页面列表,然后他们可以翻阅。

关于c# - Xamarin 电子书阅读器的页面导航架构,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43186326/


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