c# - 防止 web 套接字消费者代码被执行两次

标签 c# websocket



private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, bool> _inExecution = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, bool>();

private void SubscribeToSocket()

    var subscription = SocketSubscriptions.CreateSubsription(data =>
        Task.Run(async () =>
            // read data

            if (condition)
                // call method only once
                await Execute(key);

                condition = false;

private async Task Execute(string key)
    // Even with this statement the code calls are too fast and sometimes gets executed twice
    if (!_inExecution[key])
        _inExecution[key] = true;

        // do something..

我已经尝试通过在 Execute() 方法之前随机等待来防止双重执行。像这样:

if (condition)
    var rnd = new Random();
    await Task.Delay(rnd.Next(15, 115));

    // call method only once
    await Execute(key);

    condition = false;



此处的关键竞争条件似乎是检查 _inExecution[key] 之间的竞争。和*更新 _inExecution[key] = true';多个调用者可以通过那里。有多种方法可以使这个变得健壮,但在你的情况下,经过考虑,我很确定最简单的方法就是简单地同步集合,即

    private readonly HashSet<string> _inExecution = new HashSet<string>();
    private async Task Execute(string key)
        // Even with this statement the code calls are too fast and sometimes gets executed twice
        bool haveLock = false;
            lock(_inExecution) { haveLock = _inExecution.Add(key); }
            if (haveLock)
                // ... your code here
            if (haveLock)
                lock (_inExecution) _inExecution.Remove(key);

您也可以使用 Dictionary<string, bool> ,而是一个 HashSet<string>在这里工作正常。 Dictionary<string, bool>不过,可以避免一些键空间开销 - 只是操纵值 - 类似于:

    private readonly Dictionary<string, bool> _inExecution = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
    private async Task Execute(string key)
        // Even with this statement the code calls are too fast and sometimes gets executed twice
        bool haveLock = false;
                if (!_inExecution.TryGetValue(key, out var state) || !state)
                {   // if missing entirely, or not currently held: take it
                    haveLock = _inExecution[key] = true;
            if (haveLock)
                // ... your code here
            if (haveLock)
                lock (_inExecution) _inExecution[key] = false;

需要注意的重要一点是您不要保留 lock超过实际// ... your code here位 - 这会阻止所有并发执行,这不是您想要的。

如果你想整理一下,有一些方法可以使用自定义一次性用品等来构建它,但是 try/finally工作正常。

关于c# - 防止 web 套接字消费者代码被执行两次,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56467421/


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