c# - 通过覆盖属性的继承映射

标签 c# .net entity-framework entity-framework-4 ef-code-first


public class Person
    public string LastName { get; set; }

public class Employee : Person


Map(p => p.MapInheritedProperties());
Property(p => p.LastName).HasMaxLength(100).IsRequired();


public class Person
        public virtual string LastName {get; set;}

public class Employee : Person
    public override string LastName
       get { return base.LastName; }
             //add validation here or throw exception
             base.LastName = value;

如果我运行应用程序,它会说模型已更改。 很好,我添加了一个数据库迁移,但它出错了:

The property 'LastName' is not a declared property on type 'Employee'.

Verify that the property has not been explicitly excluded from the model by using the

Ignore method or NotMappedAttribute data annotation. Make sure that it is a valid primitive property.

我需要添加什么样的映射才能使其工作? 我将 EF 4.3 与迁移结合使用。



这似乎是 EF 的限制 - 属性可以在基类或子类上,但不能同时在两者上。参见 How to share common column names in a Table per Hierarchy (TPH) mapping

关于c# - 通过覆盖属性的继承映射,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11247127/


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