c# - 使用表达式树构造具有未知成员的对象

标签 c# c#-4.0 dynamic expression-trees

我正在尝试创建一个通用函数,它将采用一个结构的 2 个实例,并使用传入实例的值创建一个新实例。我大部分时间都在那里,但我无法弄清楚如何构建表达式树以将新值作为 MemberInit 中的参数(第一次使用表达式树)。



private static readonly Dictionary<Type, FieldInfo[]> fieldInfoCache = new Dictionary<Type, FieldInfo[]>();
private static readonly Dictionary<FieldInfo, dynamic> compiledDelegates = new Dictionary<FieldInfo, dynamic>();
private static T Lerp<T>(T start, T end, float amount) where T : new()
    FieldInfo[] fields;
    var type = typeof(T);

    if(!fieldInfoCache.TryGetValue(type, out fields))
        fields = typeof(T).GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

        fieldInfoCache.Add(type, fields);

    var binds = new List<MemberBinding>();

    foreach(var fieldInfo in fields)
        dynamic getter;

        if(!compiledDelegates.TryGetValue(fieldInfo, out getter))
            var targetExp = Expression.Parameter(type, type.Name);
            var fieldExp = Expression.Field(targetExp, fieldInfo);

            getter = Expression.Lambda(typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(type, fieldInfo.FieldType), fieldExp, targetExp).Compile();

            compiledDelegates.Add(fieldInfo, getter);

        var startVal = getter.Invoke(start);
        var endVal = getter.Invoke(end);

        //This needs to be assigned to something
        var newVal = fieldInfo.FieldType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(float)) ? LerpF(startVal, endVal, amount) : Lerp(startVal, endVal, amount);

        var fieldParamExp = Expression.Parameter(fieldInfo.FieldType, "newVal");
        var bind = Expression.Bind(fieldInfo, fieldParamExp);


    //How do I fix these two lines?
    var memberInit = Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(type), binds);
    var result = Expression.Lambda<Func<T>>(memberInit).Compile().Invoke();

    return result;




var fieldParamExp = Expression.Parameter(fieldInfo.FieldType, "newVal");


var fieldParamExp = Expression.Constant(newVal);



        var startPar = Expression.Parameter(typeof (T), "start");
        var endPar = Expression.Parameter(typeof (T), "end");
        var amountPar = Expression.Parameter(typeof (float), "amount");
        foreach (var fieldInfo in fields)
            MethodInfo mi;
            if (fieldInfo.FieldType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof (float)))
                mi = typeof (Program).GetMethod("LerpF");
                mi = typeof (Program).GetMethod("Lerp").MakeGenericMethod(fieldInfo.FieldType);

            var makeMemberAccess = Expression.Call(mi, Expression.MakeMemberAccess(startPar, fieldInfo), Expression.MakeMemberAccess(endPar, fieldInfo), amountPar);
            binds.Add(Expression.Bind(fieldInfo, makeMemberAccess));

        var memberInit = Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(type), binds);
        var expression = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, T, float, T>>(memberInit, startPar, endPar, amountPar);
        Func<T, T, float, T> resultFunc = expression.Compile();
        // can cache resultFunc

        var result = resultFunc(start, end, amount);


关于c# - 使用表达式树构造具有未知成员的对象,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20593830/


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